A nightmare without an end

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Henry looked at Violetta with a smile but she sighs and rolls out of bed to dress up. Henry looks at her.

"One time thing." Violetta clarified. Henry sighed, disappointed but ultimately he knew that this would have been the end result. "I understand." Henry murmured. Violetta sighed, feeling a little guilty.

"Look, just know, I didn't use you it's just for clo-"
"Closure. I know, don't worry" Henry smiles softly. Violetta smiles back. "I think you should be getting ready for that dinner, there's a car right outside where a girl in a dress is coming out of" Violetta warns Henry. Henry feels a sense of dread overcome him.

Violetta continues to look at the girl.
"She's cute." She murmurs. Then she turns to look at Henry's annoyed face.
"This is going to go horribly." Henry murmured.

"Oh well. Gotta suck it up. Bye!" Violetta exclaims walking out.


Esther walks around, feeling her heart beat out of her chest as she walks around.
"Wow, this place is a palace!"

"Esther! Wait!" Giada exclaimed after her but Esther runs off through the walls. Esther loved buildings. She was a fan of architecture and this villa, was the exact replica of what she loved.

Esther walked into random rooms. She looked at the different statuses, the different paintings it was kind of one of her dreams come true. Esther entered in a random bedroom and at first she was too surprised to realize that this IS someone's bedroom.

She looked around. It was obviously a children's room, but a very pretty one. The room looked like something out of a princess castle. But by the way the Vitale's lived, one could basically assume they were royalty.

She looked up to see the beautiful golden chandeliers, she loved those the most. She walked towards the bedroom's desk, grabbing some of the books that were on them. Esther wasn't really a fan of books, but she liked astronomy.

And that book, happened to be an astronomy book. She smiled, flipping through the book.

"Who are you?" She heard a young a voice, a little frightened. She turned around to see a light brown haired girl with bright blue eyes and bright red lips.

The girl smiled.
"Wow, You're beautiful!" The girl exclaimed running over to Esther.

"Oh- I- I'm sorry"
"Don't be! You like Astronomy too?!" The girl asked. Esther smiled. "I enjoy it, yes. I take it you do too?"
"Oh, a lot!"

Esther nodded, her curiosity piqued by the girl's enthusiasm. "That's...wonderful! What's your name?"

The young girl beamed and replied, "I'm Amy-Leigh. Amy-Leigh Calista Vitale. I'm thirteen years old, and I love everything about space and stars. I even want to be an astronaut when I grow up!"

Esther's smile widened as she listened to Amy-Leigh's enthusiasm. "That's an amazing dream, Amy-Leigh. Exploring space is a fascinating adventure, isn't it? Have you been studying astronomy?"

Amy-Leigh nodded vigorously. "Yes! I've been reading books, watching documentaries, and my parents even got me a small telescope for my birthday. I love stargazing and learning about the different planets and galaxies."

Esther was impressed. "You're quite ahead for your age, Amy-Leigh. I can see the passion and dedication you have for astronomy. Keep nurturing that love, and who knows, maybe one day you'll achieve your dream of becoming an astronaut."

Amy-Leigh's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Thank you...?"
"Thank you Esther! Ouh! Want to see my telescope?!"

Before Esther could reply Amy-Leigh runs out of the bedroom enthusiastically. Esther smiled softly.
"Maybe this won't be as bad as I feared,"

The Luxury Scandals (formerly:The Billionaire's Girl)| BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now