"Wow, Kakashi. So you live alone?" Rin asked bringing my attention back into the house.

"Hey, you know that thing you did when you were fishing, I have to admit you were pretty amazing, Kakashi." Obito said from behind me. I turned over my shoulder, surprised that he gave me some form of compliment instead of his usual banter.

"It really was amazing!" Rin said in agreement.

I turned back toward the fish, slightly amazed. I didn't think something so simple as fishing would amaze them so much. "Think so?" I asked softly.

It didn't take long for everything to be finished. Rin helped Obito set the table while I brought the food out. The two of them just stared in amazement.

"Wow! It's so cute, Kakashi!" Rin gushed looking at the plate.

"Yeah, you really do know how to present a dish. It looks like something that you find from a restaurant." Obito added.

"Thank you for the food!" The three of us said together before making our plates.

"You know, Kakashi, you really did make a lot of food. Were you expecting someone else?" Rin asked before she took a bite. As soon as the fish touched her tongue, she let out a small sound of satisfaction.

"It's a force of habit." I answered truthfully. Usually Emi would come over for dinner, insisting I needed some form of social interaction for the day. There was no point in arguing with her about it. Weather I said yes or no, she wasn't asking. She was telling me. As annoying as her persistence may be, I was grateful in a way for her.

I've known her since we were babies, my dad would occasionally bring her over to the house so we would both have someone to interact with. While she tends to be more upbeat and a bit obnoxiously happy, I didn't mind her company. And honestly, I'd call her my best friend.

Really my only friend.

"This really is amazing, Kakashi! Are you going to open up a restaurant?" Obito asked as he shoveled more food in his mouth.

"I doubt it."

He and Rin broke out in a fit of laughs, but they quickly stopped at the loud banging on the door. Narrowing my eyes, I excused myself and went over to the door. I was surprised to see the bear like kitsune mask.

"Have you see Emiko Senju today?" He asked. While his voice sounded calm, I noticed the small shake in his leg and the faint sounds of his quick breathing giving me the impression he was anxious. But if he was here looking for Emi, that means they've already looked through out most of the village themselves and had no luck. Now they were relying on civilian encounters.

My eyes widened slightly. "No." I said shaking my head.

"Look kid, if you've seen her we really need to know. So if you're trying to hide her -"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I haven't seen her today. What happened?"

He let out a small groan and body flickered away. In the distance I could faintly see ANBU members jumping along the roof tops.

Emi was missing? She wasn't one to just up and run away for no reason. At least not without talking with me first. So something had to have happened to her. Right? Or maybe I really did just push her away after all.

"Emiko is missing?" Obito said taking me slightly by surprise.

"Aren't you two really close, Kakashi?" Rin added. "I usually see her waiting for you when we get out of class."

I nodded my head. While I heard them talking, I wasn't really paying attention to their words. Emi was missing. I was stuck on that. And the only thing running through my mind right now are possible places she might be that no one else would think of. There wasn't many places, except. . . maybe one.

The Forgotten (Kakashi x OC) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now