19: Mission

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"Comanche, dagger one. Standby check in," Maverick stated.

"Comanche 11, set," Comanche responded, "Picture clean. Recommend dagger continue."

"Copy. Daggers descending below radar," Maverick, followed by the rest of the daggers descended below the clouds.

Everyone glanced between each other, the WSOs looking back at the plane behind them. The only sound heard throughout the comms was everyone's heavy breathing.

"Daggers now below radar. Switching to E-2 picture," Comanche announced, watching the radar as each dot disappeared from radar.

"Here we go. Enemy territory up ahead. Feet dry in 60 seconds. Comanche, dagger one. Picture," Maverick alerted over the communications.

"Comanche. Picture clean. Decision is yours," Comanche stated.


More heavy breathing was heard through the comms. Rooster, Maneater, and Vulture glancing at the ocean; the deep blue, watery void was speeding past. There could be no more than a few meters between the ocean's surface and the bottom of the jets. Maverick looked at Rooster, who looked back at him with a small nod. Regina and Hennessey did the same.

"Dagger attack," Maverick finally stated.

Multiple tomahawks shot out of the aircraft carrier, rising into the sky. They quickly started catching up to the jets.

"Tomahawks airborne," A second communications officer announced.

"No turning back now," Warlock stated. Icarus bit her lip, folding her arms over her chest, watching the E-2 picture. The tomahawks flew over the jets, whistling past them. Everyone glanced up at them, there was definitely no way they could go back without going through with the mission.

"Daggers, assume attack formation," Maverick ordered. Everyone fell into a straight, single-file line. Maverick in the lead with Maneater taking up the back.

"Daggers set. Proceeding to target," Maverick stated, "Two minutes and 30 seconds in three, two, one, mark."

Maverick's timer beeped, his time starting.

"Two mark," Rooster's time started running down.

"Three mark," Phoenix stated.

"Four mark," Payback chimed in.

"Five mark," Bambi's time also started running down.

"Six mark," Marilyn added.

"Seven mark," Maneater was the last one to go through the mark. Her timer of two minutes and thirty seconds started.

"Going in," Maverick breathed harshly through the communications, maneuvering his jet to be vertical.

The engines of the jets shrieked, echoing through the valley they were entering. Everyone weaved their fighter jets from being vertical one way to the other, staying low. They turned the corner of the valley, flying over a river. The engines whirled as everyone increased their speed.

"First S.A.M. site overhead," Maverick announced, looking up at one of the surface-to-air missiles. Everyone glanced up at it as they passed under it.

"Looks like we’re clear on radar, Mav," Phoenix stated, looking at the tail of Maverick's jet.

"Let’s not take it for granted," Maverick responded, pushing further into the canyon.

"More S.A.M's! Three o’clock high!" Fanboy announced. More heavy breathing filled the comms. Rooter glanced at them, as he continued through the canyon as well.

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