9: Bar

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Waves crashed as Penny steered the sailboat. Maverick was struggling to stand up straight.

"Little rougher than I was expecting," Penny yelled over the sounds of the ocean and wind.

"You don't say," Maverick shouted back, holding onto the railing at the back of the boat.

"Pull on the back stay. We'll depower the sails," Penny instructed.

'Okay. What does that mean?" Pete asked, not knowing what Penny was wanting.

"I don’t sail boats, Penny. I land on them," Pete exclaimed.

"It’s sort of like raising the flaps on an airplane," Penny explained in a way Pete would understand.

"So how do I do that?"

"You pull on that green line up there," Penny answered, pointing to a line further ahead of Pete.

"Green line," Pete said to himself, heading towards it, while struggling to stay aboard the boat.

"Yep. Pull it hard. Yep. Crank that winch right there, tighten the jib. Crank it," Penny yelled, explaining what to do. Pete stumbled, cranking the winch.

"You okay?" Penny asked, smiling.

"Yeah," Maverick responded.

"Good. Now, you ready?"

"For what?" Pete asked, turning and looking at Penny questioningly.

"The afterburner," Penny said as the large blue sail flew out, catching the wind and swinging the boat around slightly.

"Now you’re in the Navy," Penny smiled, shutting off the engine. 

The boat sailed, bouncing off of waves. Penny and Maverick stood at the wheel of the boat, steering.

"Pete," Penny started, "About Hennessey..."

"What about her? You don't want me to send her on the mission do you?" Pete looked at her, the mood shifted slightly. This was serious.

"I mean I would prefer you not to send our daughter to her death, but I know she'd do everything in her power to comeback," Penny answered the second question.

"What? Our daughter?" 

"I found out I was pregnant with her when you got shipped off to the Indian Ocean, when we broke up," Penny admitted.

"She's my kid?" Pete was stunned, "Does she know I'm her father?"

"Yes, Pete, she's yours. No, I didn't think you'd end up back here and she was off making a name for herself in the Navy. When she started asking, I told her that her father was a pilot in the Navy and had gone missing," Penny explained.

Maverick was shocked. Hennessey had askd about him? And Penny had said he went missing instead of the truth?


Hennessey grabbed a twenty dollar bill from her purse and put it in the register, grabbing two beers from the fridge. She popped them open and set on in front of Evelyn. Hennessey took a swig of her's and looked around for something for her sister to drink. Amelia watched her older sister, understanding what she was doing.

"Mom usually has Sprite or something in the fridge in the back for me. I'll get it," Amelia said, getting up and running to the back.

An older man walked into the bar as Lia walked out from the back. He stopped in their tracks seeing Hennessey and Evelyn. Well, he could only see Evelyn's face, not Hennessey's. Amelia smiled and waved at the three, a can of Sprite in her other hand.

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