12: Beach Football

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After Evelyn and Hennessey had left the family house the night before, Maverick texted the group chat with everyone that they would be meeting at the beach by the Hard Deck instead of the classroom. Hennessey and Evelyn questioned it between each other but any excuse to go to the beach. All that the two knew was that they were recommended to wear shorts and beach appropriate tops, as neither girl really read the full message. They just wanted to know what to wear and where to meet.

The morning, Hennessey and Evelyn piled into Hennessey's two toned Ford Ranger. Hennessey was wearing a black sleeveless shirt that had lyrics from one of her favorite songs by Chris Stapleton. Under it, she had a sports bra on, figuring that was a safer option than a bikini top. She also wore cut-off denim shorts, they were the only ones she had that were currently clean. Cowboy boots adorned Hennessey's feet. Evelyn wore a similar outfit, except that her tank top was light gray and had Johnny Cash lyrics on it. Evelyn had her hair pulled up into a ponytail and sticking out of the back of her baseball cap.

"After the beach, we should go to the country bar. I mean we're practically dressed for it. I just need my cowboy hat," Hennessey suggested.

"That sounds great, we can ask if any of the others wanna come with us," Evelyn agreed, "And I need my boots too."

The two were making their way over to the Hard Deck, figuring it would be easier to just park in the bar's lot. The sun was barely in the sky, still low enough on the horizon. Yellows, oranges, and pinks painted the sky and ocean's reflection. Maverick's motorcycle was also in the parking lot.

"Think your mom is here to watch or something?" Evelyn suggested.

"Guess so. I mean probably, since we're going to be here for the day."

Hennssey pulled into her normal spot, right next to the motorcycle. The two women hopped out, seeing Omaha, Harvard, Yale, and Halo pull in after them. Evelyn waved at them before joining Hennessey on the wrap around deck.

"I'm going to wait for them, I'll meet you down there," Evelyn explained, leaning on the Ranger. Hennessey nodded and walked around back. Maverick and her mom were sitting on one of the picnic tables, waiting for the pilots to arrive.

"Good morning Mama. Good morning, sir," Hennessey greeted, walking towards the two. Maverick looked over and nodded. Penny got up and hugged her daughter, it had been too long since she heard her oldest say that.

"Oh, baby, what happened to your jaw?" Penny asked, pulling back from the hug and gingerly running her fingers over the bruise. Hennessey glanced at Maverick, looking for help on explaining. He just looked away and grabbed the two footballs he had beside him.

"It's fine Mom, I promise. I just got in a tussle with someone. Don't worry, I gave him a matching one," Hennessey explained, leaving out a few details.

Before Penny could ask anymore questions, a few more pilots came to the back. Henne quickly went into the bar through the back door and took off her tank top. She folded it up nicely and walked out, sitting next to her mom. She set the shirt on the table, tugging her boots off.

"Mom, can we keep these next to you?" She asked, giving her best puppy dog eyes.

"You two don't have to ask, now go down there and have fun," Penny laughed. Hennessey scrambled up and ran down, gaining up to Callie and the other pilots. Evelyn did the same thing, setting her stuff on the other side of Penny.

"Thank you, Ms. Benjamin," Evelyn said quickly, following the others. Penny laughed, pulling out her notebook, not that she would write in it very much.

The rest of the pilots and WSOs arrived shortly after. Someone had brought a speaker and connected their phone to it. OneRepublic was currently playing. The women stood off to the side, watching the men pull up their jeans or take off their shirts. Natasha, Brandie, and Hennessey crossed their arms, enjoying the view with the help of sunglasses hiding where they were looking.

"Now, I'm not going to complain but damn," Rebecca said, raising her hands in defense. She was looking at Bradley trying to roll up his jeans.

"No, no, I think we all agree. This is a fine view," Natasha agreed.

"I wanna complain about Bradley rolling up his jeans, his dumbass clearly didn't read the message entirely," Brandie complained. The women chuckled and nodded.

"Come on, or are you guys too busy enjoying this glorious view?" Jake yelled at the women, he was meaning himself.

"In your dreams, southern boy," Brandie yelled back.

Everyone stood together under the hot sun, waiting to be split up. They had all split into two groups for dogfight football, Hangman's and Rooster's. Evelyn, Rebecca, and Natasha managed to be on Bradley's team while Hennessey, Brandie, and Callie weren't so lucky. 'I Ain't Worried' by OneRepublic started playing as the game started.

Everyone was shouting and cheering for their teams. Hennessey threw the ball to Rebecca right as she got tackled by Reuben. The two landed in the sand with a thud, the wind getting knocked out of her. Hennessey coughed as she tried to get air back into her lungs. Reuben quickly got up and off of her, offering a hand up.

"You good?" Reuben asked. Henessey took his hand and stood up.

"As soon as I learn to breathe again, yeah," Hennessey replied, "Thanks."

Reuben nodded and ran off, trying to help his team get another touchdown. Hangman was walking, holding one of the footballs. He threw it behind him, at th feet of three pilots. They jokingly fell to the sand. Hangman turned around and cheered as he flexed. Hennessey rolled her eyes, chuckling quietly.

It felt truly like there were no worries. Just like the song was singing about, Hennessey wasn't worried about the mission or anything. She was just enjoying herself and the time she was having with the people around her.

Hennessey looked over right as Maverick got tackled to the sand. Like Reuben, Bradley helped Maverick up and ran off. Maverick threw the ball to Natasha. Her and Mickey seemed confused and started yelling fo him to come back. She laughed as Maverick made his way to his lawn chair, where he was away from the game. The groups has lost track of points by now, just enjoying the game and time together.

None of them saw or realized that Cyclone came by at one point. Cheers erupted from both teams as Bob made a touchdown. Everyone crowded around him as Rooster lifted the WSO onto his shoulders.

"Bob! Bob! Bob!" Everyone chanted. They had all, truly, became a team through the game.

Maverick watched as Hondo blew the whistle, and suddenly he caught a football. All at once, everyone chased Hondo, eventually tackling him as a group. They all dogpiled Hondo, laughing and cheering. That was it. The game was over.

Hondo walked back up to Penny and Pete, leaving the pilots and WSOs to themselves. The blazing sun was decently high still. Hennessey could feel the burn on her nose and cheeks already.

"Hey, Hennessey and I were going to go to the country bar. Anyone want to join us?" Evelyn announced. Halo, Harvard, Yale, and Omaha declined. Everyone else agreed.

"Alright, well Henne and I have to go back to base real quick to get some stuff. We'll meet up with you guys there," Evelyn stated. Everyone else seemed fine with it.

Hennessey and Evelyn ran up to the Hard Deck. Penny smiled at her daughter, handing her the black tank top. Evelyn grabbed hers, both of them throwing their shirts back on.

"Thanks, Mom. I might stop by the house tonight, but I'm not too sure. Most of us are going out to go dance for the night," Hennessey explained.

"Sounds good. Have fun, be safe. Love you," Penny hugged her daughter as Henne finished getting her boots back on.

"What about me? Am I chopped liver?" Evelyn joked. Penny laughed and hugged her too.

"I guess I love you too, Eve," Penny said, sarcastically, "But be safe."

They nodded and walked towards the parking lot.

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