Thursday Evening

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     More than a little frustrated, Bright gathered up his things to leave the office for the day. He headed down into the parking lot and was surprised to see that Win was still there with the hood of his car popped open.

     Now, knowing Win was as prominent of a CEO as he now knew him to be, it was less surprising to see that Win's car was a beautiful top of the line sportiva green Lamborghini. If Bright had seen the car earlier, he would have been more surprised. However, top of the line luxury sports car or not, it seemingly had failed the seraphic boy as his hands rested on the open hood, while his eyes were focused on the engine as though trying to unravel its mysteries.

 However, top of the line luxury sports car or not, it seemingly had failed the seraphic boy as his hands rested on the open hood, while his eyes were focused on the engine as though trying to unravel its mysteries

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     Bright raised an eyebrow and strolled towards Win, "Is everything OK?"

     Win was aggravated but resigned, "Yeah, it'll be fine. It won't start and I'm waiting on the tow truck to pick it up and take it to my mechanic. I may be a little late tomorrow because I have to stop at the hospital on the way in and without my car, I'm at the mercy of the taxi drivers."

      Bright couldn't believe his luck for such a perfect opportunity, "No, don't go through all that, just come and stay with me tonight and I'll go with you to the hospital in the morning before work."

     Win raised an eyebrow, "That would be way too much. It would put you at a serious inconvenience. You don't need to do all that. I'll be fine."

     Bright shook his head. He wasn't about to let Win get away, "No, really, it's no trouble. We'll go grab a bite and relax at my place. It's no inconvenience at all, it's what I would do, anyway. And I would like to see Guy. I know that might seem weird, but I sincerely like the man and would like to see him."

     Win bit his lower lip in contemplation, "Are you sure? Because it just feels like it's way too much of an inconvenience on you."

     Bright smiled, "I'm sure, it's really not nearly as inconvenient as you think it is."

     Win hesitated for another moment but reluctantly agreed, "OK, let me grab my overnight bag then and the tow truck should be here any minute."

     Bright smiled, his stomach doing a happy dance, "Perfect," and then realized what Win said and asked, "Why do you have an overnight bag?"

     Win gave a sad smile, "It's just some shower stuff and a change of work clothes. It's one less thing to worry about if there's an emergency at the hospital and I have to stay overnight."

     Bright nodded, understanding, "Ah, yes, that makes sense," he said, and then changed the subject to try and keep Win in a good mood, "Where do you want to eat?"

     Win shrugged, "Honestly, whatever you choose is fine. I can eat anything."

     Bright couldn't resist, "Anything?" he lowered his voice and asked suggestively with a raised eyebrow.

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