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     Bright woke up the next day feeling weightless, on top of the world, like he was flying on elation and excitement. Every step, every movement had a flair of buoyancy to it, as if there weren't any troubles in the world that were worthy enough to bring him down from his plane of happiness. He had a date, an actual date with the seraphic creature who had occupied his every thought since the moment he'd met him. He knew he was jumping the gun; he knew it was incredibly fast, but he also knew the farthest depth of emotion he had experienced with the one ex that he had cared for enough to consider marriage had still come nowhere near to what he felt for Win.

     He knew Win was his endgame, the one his heart beat for, the reason why nothing else had ever worked out before. His heart had been diligently waiting for Win, and now that he'd found him, Bright was never going to let him go.

     He eagerly paced through his house, trying to find things to occupy the time as it crawled by relentlessly, until it was finally within a reasonable amount of time to start getting ready. Even with toiling through the morning and starting to get ready ridiculously early, he still barely made it out on time because he kept altering and fussing over his appearance.

     He'd always been told he looked best in white, that it highlighted his features. Keeping that in mind, he wore a simple soft-white t-shirt tucked in to a pair of form fitting denim jeans that hugged him in all the right places. Over the t-shirt, he donned a long-sleeved, neutral pinkish-beige collared button-up with the buttons left undone to soften the overall James Dean style while still highlighting his natural good looks. He looked nice, not fancy-date nice, or business nice, but like casual-date nice. Not too much, but not too little. He put a bit of gel in his hands and ran his fingers through his hair so it still looked natural and soft as it fell in a casually styled windswept grace. Satisfied with his appearance, he bolted out the door and headed toward the Souri shop to meet his ethereal angel and sweep him off of his feet.

     Bright scanned the shop when he got there and didn't see Win, so he approached the cashier at the counter who looked at Bright with a cheery smile, "Hello, Welcome to Souri! How can I help you?" she said with a warm voice that matched her smile

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     Bright scanned the shop when he got there and didn't see Win, so he approached the cashier at the counter who looked at Bright with a cheery smile, "Hello, Welcome to Souri! How can I help you?" she said with a warm voice that matched her smile.

     Bright smiled back, "Hi, Is Win here?"

     The girl's eyes widened, "You must be Bright," she surmised in a tone that was half understanding and half curious.

     Bright was surprised she knew him but he simply nodded at her, "Yes, I am."

     The girl smiled again, "Well, he definitely wasn't lying when he said you were a stunner," she laughed, before she came around the counter, "He should be here any minute now, he just ran to take some macarons to Guy really quick," she explained, "If you don't mind waiting for a few minutes, I can show you to a table," she asked.

     Bright nodded, "Of course, thank you."

     The girl smiled again and led him to a table that was set off to the side, allowing more privacy than the rest of the seating, "Is there anything else I can get you while you wait?" she asked nicely.

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