Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I knew that was a que to leave. I gave everyone another hug. 

I hugged Becky first. "I want a message from you once a day, or at least a few times a week. Otherwise, I'm calling Interpol and staying out of trouble. " I laughed at that. She probably actually would. 

"Can you also tell Callum that I said thank you for letting me use his room, and that I'll miss him too?" Becky nodded and gave me another hug. 

I then gave Joe a hug. "Don't forget, you're always welcome here, Lotte. Take care, okay?" I nodded and finally went to Zoe, who gave me another bear hug.

"Again, I want a message once a day and a facetime once a week, otherwise...otherwise I will never talk to you again. And don't open the presents until it's Christmas day" 

"I promise I will, and I'll send you loads of pictures. Don't open your presents either, I know what you are like!" We both laughed 

I got into the car as Claude quickly put the bag of presents into one of the boxes in the boot. He then got into the back of the car. I waved to everyone as the car drove off, and once they were out of view, I just sank into my seat with a heavy sigh. 

"That was a big one. You'll be alright with us, "

"I know, it's just a lot to take in. Also, where's Vincent?" The fact that I hadn't seen Vincent all day was starting to become a red flag in my mind. Did he feel guilty about what he said? Probably not. 

"Vincent? He is your dad, too. I mean, I know he's made some...questionable choices, but he does care. " 

"Then why isn't he here now?, why has he never been... How come I've not met him before yesterday?" I felt my voice break, but I was determined not to cry. "Doesn't he believe that I'm his blood? Am I not your sister?"

The look on Claude's face was unreadable, but he looked to be almost pained. I fell silent again. Was Claude angry with me? After a brief pause that felt like forever, he finally spoke again.  

"I...can't answer that. It's not for me to answer, mostly because I don't know. But I think there's something you need to see on the plane, once you see it, I think you'll have at least part of an answer to one of your questions" The car fell silent again but then Claude spoke again.

"I also have to tell you dad is just one of those people who is naturally quiet even to us. But even though he does have the social skills of a solitary bear, he does try, and actually, from what Becky told us yesterday, that's quite similar to you at school. " 

I smiled at the analogy, picturing Vincent as a bear, l'ours. 

At the sight of my smile, Claude looked happier. I also understood now that Claude was the wrong person to ask. He was younger than me when my mom left, so he wouldn't really know what happened anyway. 

"What should I call Vincent then? It feels wrong calling him dad, but it feels weird calling him by first name, " I fidgeted with my hands. 

"Hmmm. How's about what me and the rest of your brothers call him? We just call him Papa. That way, you don't have to tread on your stepdad's toes, and I won't have to deal with Papa's grumpy moods when you call him Vincent."

I nodded. It seemed like a fair compromise. 

"When we get home, I know the best restaurants to go to, and the beaches during the summer are the best." Claude spent most of the time talking about where we were going to go. I probably would have found it very exciting, but that feeling was currently being overshadowed by my nerves. 

We arrived at the airport and got through security very quickly. From what my mother had told me, it was supposed to take hours to get through security. But I guess that's the perks of having a private plane.

We stood on the airport runway as I looked at the plane I would be boarding. Seeing planes on real life is certainly different from on TV. They were imposingly big and made me wonder how they could just go missing. The steps were lowered as I could see Vincent, I mean 'Papa' in the window.

I looked at Claude and silently asked him to go first, and he smiled at me before going ahead of me. I quickly follow behind him.

The inside of the plane was much bigger than I expected. It was at least three times the size of my bedroom. The décor was cream with fluffy beige carpets. It also had leather seats. Some of the seats at the back had tables for working, and some looked like ordinary sofas with lots of pillows. The stairs behind me then folded back up as I jumped out of the way. Claude and I sat on one of the cream sofas.

Vincent then walked over to us.
"Hi Violette,"
"Hi..." I still struggled to get dad out, even in French.
"I...have something for you"
He handed me a white box with a blue ribbon. Was he giving me a present?
I tentatively took the box from him.

I stared at it for a few moments.
"Are you going to open it?"
I snapped out of my thoughts.
"Yes, sorry,"
I carefully pulled at the ribbon on the box and lifted the lid.
Inside was a teddy bear. It was the softest teddy I had received in a long time. It had black soft fur, with a pink nose and pink pads on its ears, arms, and feet. It also had blue eyes and a blue ribbon around its neck.
I couldn't help but smile, I loved teddy bears. I could do it, I psyched myself up.
"Thank you... Papa."
I didn't bother looking up, I pretended to be occupied, but I was itching to just catch a glimpse of Vincent's face. To at least see what his true feelings about me were.
From my line of sight, I could see that he hadn't moved his feet. I looked up between my lashes just briefly. Vincent's mouth was still a straight line, but there was a soft glow to his piercing blue eyes, like he was happy.
That's when I watched as he placed a soft hand on my head as he ruffled my hair before turning away to go back to his seat.
I looked at Claude, who had a content smile on his face. He then got up to get a glass of water for us both from the jug on the table in the corner. He placed the drink on the coffee table in front of me as he took small sips from his own.
"What are you going to call the bear?"
I wasn't sure yet. I ran my fingers across the bears soft snout as I remembered my earlier chat with Claude.


I flicked my eyes over to Vincent, who was sat at his computer. I looked at Vincent's hair, black with small white streaks and blue eyes. I looked away when Vincent noticed me staring. 
"I think I'll call him Vinny."
I giggled at Claude, who choked on his glass of water, obviously understanding my reference.

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