Chapter 6

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I was in disbelief. Why would he be on the phone? Zoe went back down as I followed her. Becky stood in the kitchen, pacing around it as Zoe sat at the table. Joe must have been out, busy getting my dad's business together. Becky was a teacher, so she was at home on the weekends.
Becky watched me approach her and gave me a small smile as she continued her conversation. 
"Whilst I understand he is worried... yes... yes... well, no, that's not for me to decide... yes, let me ask her. Give me 10, and I'll phone you back. "
Becky took the phone from her ear and turned to me.
Together, we all sat down. Becky rubbed her face with her hands and sighed in frustration. 

"Good conversation?"

"Hardly, The police obviously told him last night what happened and this morning his secretary rang me at 9am. As it coincidentally turns out Vincent and his second eldest son Claude have been in Paris for the last week on a business trip. They said that they want to meet you later today in the city. "

My breath skipped a beat, and Zoe said the same thing that was on my mind. 

"So soon!"

But I have a feeling Becky isn't telling me something, 

"Did they say anything else?" Becky was quiet for a moment, obviously weighing up the pros and cons of telling me what was on her mind. 

"They also said they know why you were almost kidnapped, but they can't say over the phone. They also said it's too dangerous for you to stay here, for both your sake and ours. And that it's best to get you out before They try again"

I couldn't believe it. What the heck was going on? I really didn't want to meet him so soon, but after what happened yesterday, I deserve some answers, especially if it's going to hurt my family. I wrack my thoughts over in my head some more before I look at Becky. 

"Okay, I'll meet them. But I want to meet them at a place I decide"

I get a piece of paper and a pen and write down the coordinates of a café I sometimes visited with my parents when it was the weekend. 

Zoe grabbed my hand as Becky made the call. 

"Hi Ingrid? Yes, She said she would and would like to meet at a small café" Becky continued the conversation as I watched her intently."2pm...Yes okay, thank you, Bye. "

Becky sighed again. "She said they would be at the café by 2pm and that your brother Claude would be there,"

I nodded in understanding. Why not Vincent himself?

Becky ran through some safety tips with me. She would drop me off and park in the car park opposite the café. She said I couldn't leave by myself. If I feel worried at any point, tell the café manager. He was always at the counter. Finally, keep my phone fully charged with me. 

I quickly had a late breakfast before I ironed my clothes, had a shower, and changed into a pair of jeans and a cream oversized jumper. I then carefully twisted the strands of my shoulder-length light brown hair and dried it with a diffuser. My curly hair was nice, but it was a pain to 'set'. They were loose curls, but I didn't like to straighten them. My hair also goes incredibly frizzy if I don't. As the clock hands moved closer to 2 p.m., I became extremely nervous, and I couldn't quite believe what was happening. My heart was beating so quickly, I just hope nothing like yesterday happens again. 

Before I knew it I was sitting in the passenger seat at the front of a car outside of the café I suggested. After a final pep talk from Becky and Zoe, I leave the car and give them a wave before I enter the cafe. 

I approach the counter and pay for an iced tea and a cupcake. I then sit down on a seat near the entrance as I wait for Claude. I have no idea what he looks like, so I just slowly sip my drink and eat my cake.

That's when someone entered the café. He was tall and looked naturally imposing, around the age of 25. He had brown hair and a small amount of stubble and was wearing a black and white suit. I flicked my eyes away when he looked at me. He didn't particularly look like Vincent. He couldn't be Claude.
Then, out the corner of my eye, I watched him approach, and then it dawned on me.
Oh my god, he must be Vincent's son!

He had a thick American accent. But that was annoying, even he couldn't say my name properly. Steeling myself, I took a deep breath and looked up
I nodded to his statement slightly
"Where's Vincent?"
"Father is in the car outside. He's really looking forward to meeting you."
No way, I'm not getting into his car, especially with the kidnapping incident.
"Is there no way I can meet him here? I don't particularly want to get into an unknown person's car. "
I watched as his eyes briefly darkened like a vipers hardened gaze before it struck. I'm definitely not going with him now.
"We're not going to kidnap you, and besides, we're not unknown. We're your family."
"Forgive me, but...I don't know you. I've never even seen your face before. For all I know you could be planning to take me back to France or America or somewhere else without me being able to say bye to my family here" I had to stand my ground, I had to make them understand.
That's when I heard a click beneath the table.
What the heck was that?
"So, unless Vincent comes here to meet me, I'm going to go home now,"
I needed to phone Becky to let her know I was ready to leave. As I leaned down to pick my bag off the floor, I saw it in his hand. I've only ever seen them in movies, but that's definitely one.
"You're crazy! Why do you have a gun?" I made sure to whisper so I don't alert anyone else
"You'll get in the car. The boss wants to meet you. Now you'll go before you and everyone else here gets shot, " the man in front of me whispered back.

I really don't think this person is my brother. Suddenly, I lost all that confidence I originally had. As my heart started to race, what would they do to me?
I slowly picked up my bag and coat with shaky hands. It's too late to ask for a miracle. And I can't even run away, I'd just get shot. The guy stood over me as I slowly made my way outside, but he pressed one hand to my back to hurry me along.

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