Author Notes/Story Update

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Hello dear readers!

It is I, the author of this wonderful story, is here to explained why there hasn't been a update since April and what I am going to do regarding as such. As of some time, I have been slowly, but surely going through my google docs version of the story doing some important editing to each individual chapters. As to why? It's so I can ensure that the story is flowing much better.

As well as removing and adding different dialogues and responses. Considering I don't like how most of the responses are and what not. Not only that, but I also wanted to keep the story lore more consistence instead of seemingly random, especially the side of the story where EX is worrying about Xisuma disappearance and the effects of him being out of the server and time. 

Since, well, for some reason, I made that side of the story more silly and out of place, for some reason. Including the odd fact that I just randomly picked up a bunch of stuff and just-- put it together in a terrible puzzle? Yeah, definitely didn't like that. 

As such, I am going to temporarily put this story on Hiatus and slowly keep up my progress on editing and what not, so don't be upset by the lack of updates and news from this. The group chat story is getting updates again so spend time with that until I am finished with all the edits for this story, as well as potentially adding some art to some of the scenes for some visual interest. 

Aside from that, this is basically the update I wanted to inform you all so you readers don't have to worry too much about the lack of updates and news. Hopefully by the end of the hiatus, I managed to fixed up some plot holes, make the story lore more fitting to the theme regarding Xisuma and make the story more consistence in it's lore. Until then, I'll see you readers in either the next update to this story or with the Group Chat story.

Oh and before I forget, check out this lovely animatic I made regarding this AU, has a interesting perspective on how I would view their interview if I ever bother to write one for the story :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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