Chapter 6

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Martyn and Grian both exit the cave that held the path towards the update portal, after having to check on it and perhaps figure out any potential clues to what the heck the walls even meant. Yet, they still needed a way to explain to Xenrus about the nature of the portal and also to make sure that it wouldn't also affect his codes. Since, he isn't exactly whitelisted on the server, much to Grian concern. He would have to go to Systemzee help regarding it, they are the server technician after all.

"Grian, did you figure out how and why Xenrus got on this server?" Martyn suddenly asked, catching Grian a bit off guard, but he shrugged in response. He must have been a bit too deep into thought while they were walking back home. "I'm still not sure, he's an unawaken admin from what I could find, although he did however respond with great shock when I mentioned meeting someone that reminded me and looked very similar to him. "Grian answered, thinking back on the shocked reaction that he got from Xenrus when he mentioned Exavian.

Martyn however, seems suspicious. "Look similar to Xenrus? You think they could potentially be related?" He questioned, Grian shrugged. It's not a far fetched idea, they both look very similar. "Not sure, I mean, it wouldn't be important per say, Exavian did actually mention that he has a twin brother, but never told me the name."

Martyn frowned. "He told you he got a twin, but never told you the name of said twin? That's a bit dumb." Grian nodded in agreement. "Exactly, what he failed to even mention is that fact they're almost exactly the same apparently! It's how I thought Xenrus was Exavian until I noticed the minor difference." Grian continues with a slight huff of annoyance, Martyn just looks at him with amusement.

"As much as I enjoy talking while on a long trip back home, don't cha think talking about Xenrus behind his back a bad thing?" Martyn commented, causing Grian thought process to a stuttering halt. Processing what he just said. What he said was right though, they shouldn't really talk about Xenrus so much behind his back, they wanted him to trust them. To prove that they just wanted to help. Yet, he wouldn't be surprised if Xenrus was wary of them.

They're not a normal server after all.


If anyone was to tell Exavian that his dumbass brother suddenly vanished from the tracker he put on him, they would just actually questioned why the fuck he even have a tracker on Xisuma at all. He has a lot of reasons why he would put a tracker on his brother, all of which involve Xisuma getting lost and the residue paranoia he got from his horrible time in High School. Which, by the way, he went involuntarily. He still has some trauma from just being there...

It's a wonder that he had Grian with him during that whole event, but what he wished he could have done was beat the shit out of his parents. Oh well!

Next time, maybe.

Anyways, he has a brother to find, now...if only he can figure out how to get the tracker to function properly...


Some days had gone by, Xisuma was getting better and better, but at the same time, he was also given more freedom to do as he pleased. As long as he told Grian just where he had been. So of course things had been going so very well, nothing all that suspicious that he would be deemed untrusted or wary of everyone.

Well, at least, that was the plan today. Right now, he had just returned after gathering some wood for Grian, who asked him to get some under the excuse that he needs to do something to train his muscle and what not after not walking and working out all that much due to his time recovering. Yet, nothing can compare to the argument he just walked in on.

"Xeeenrus please tell me you believe me when I say that Grian is crazy!" Taurtis whined, much to Grian denial. "I'm not crazy! I am just talking to my audience is all. There's seriously nothing wrong with that!" Grian protested-

Which ended up with Taurtis and Grian arguing again, with Xisuma stuck in the center of such argument again. He wonders why this is even happening, oh wait, he knows how this even started. It all started with Grian muttering to himself as he planned out an area for Taurtis to build. From there, it began to spiral as Taurtis questioned Grian about the 'Audience'.

Xisuma simply just sighs, he wonders if this is a normal occurrence just like Grian pranks are a normal thing on Hermitcraft. That made him smile a tad bit, he missed the other Hermits, heck, he even missed his own brother. For now, he has everyone on EVO to become friends with, to understand a bit more. Despite having to not meet everyone properly.

"Xisumavoid. Your presence here was merely an accident, but a good one nonetheless."

Xisuma instantly tensed, hearing such a powerful, but ancient voice. The owner of the voice speaking in ancient galactic. Turning around- he instantly noticed that time seems to have frozen, everything but a monochromatic color. The only thing showing color and light...

Was a Watcher that floated before them. Xisuma felt the urge to kneel, in which he did so. Only to stand once more when he felt the Watcher lift his shin up, beckoning him to stand.

"There is no need for a Admin such as yourself to kneel before me. You are Xelqua beloved friend. We have known about you for such a long time, Xelqua have spoken of you fondly. It's not often we hear of a Admin that is kind hearted such as you. Even the Listeners were fond of you."

Xisuma jaw dropped, shocked that his Patron God and Watcher, Xelqua, spoke of him to not only just the Watchers, but to the Listeners as well. Weren't the two species at odds against each other though? Wait. "You know why I was brought here?" Xisuma asked, wincing a bit from the echo of his voice. The Watcher looks at him a bit curiously.

"In some senses. I do, but not truly a lot. The explosion that caused you to be brought to this time was by a foolish Rabbit attempting to break into this safe haven. Your brother being sent to that Herobrine awful high school, was the cause of that foolish Rabbit again. Yet it was Grian himself who stolen Welsknight, Helsknight and Ijevin to the Kingdom of Valor from magical mishap. Of Pain and Regret. Of prideful greed and malicious intent, fueling such regret." The Watcher explained, picking up a thoughtful position as it recalls what little they and the Listeners can remotely learn.

Xisuma was unsure how to handle this much information. Again.

Then Xisuma realized something. He was about to speak, but the Watcher beat him to it. "I am afraid this is as much time as I can have to speak with you. I do wish you luck in handling this until the final and last update Grian will stay for."


Xisuma was too late, he fell forward, having to attempt to stop the Watcher to ask questions. Questions that were given from the answers that didn't truly satisfy him, he ignored the concern that Grian and Taurtis shot him. Even ignoring their questions, he can't handle this at the moment. Too much swam in his mind, he needed to be alone. To process everything he just learned.

He ran, running towards his room. Ignoring the concern cries of Grian and Taurtis.

"What the heck happened to Xenrus?" Taurtis questioned, he felt the presence of a another watcher, but doesn't dare say anything, Grian doesn't know after all. Said person shrugged. "Not sure, maybe we should let him be alone for a bit? Plus today is the day we go into the next update so..." Grian trailed off, unsure now. Taurtis just stared at him. "Yeah, you're right, maybe the update portal can register him as a true player on this server?" Taurtis suggested, hoping it's good enough to lighten the mood a bit.

Grian gave off a playful huff, but he relaxed a bit.

"Yeah. Maybe your right Taurtis."

"By the way Grian, I'm leaving your Empire to start my own."

"Wait what-?"

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