Chapter 1

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Xisuma, to say the least, did not expect to wake up surrounded by the concerned faces of many unfamiliar people. Nor the headache that makes it hard for him to even focus on what exactly was happening. He could faintly hear speaking, it sounded like it was of concern and worries, but he wasn't entirely sure. But the headache was becoming too much, black spots started to cover his sight, but before it all faded to darkness, he thought he saw the familiar, but very worried, face of a friend.


Grian was honestly not expecting to be bombarded with a lot of concerns and messages of an unknown player sitting at spawn. Really, he didn't think he would have to even handle something like this! He just wanted to do some work on his base. Especially with how close the next potential update is actually. It's worrisome.

Hopping on the minecart, despite getting frustrated with how glitchy and weird they are, he starts his long trek to spawn.


By the time he arrived, he quickly jumped out of the minecart and ran to spawn, already having seen his group of friends that were all likely surrounding the strange person. He was actually put off by their appearance alone, but pushed that aside and checked the conditions of the person. Noting the burns they had and the damage done to their- armor? He can only assume that's exactly what it is they're wearing.

He was glad that they all thought to call for him as he was the only one on the server who can at least help this strange player. Although he will feel sorry that they would have to lose the majority of their outfit due to the damages done. "Jimmy? Martyn? Mind helping me move them into the property police building and onto a bed so I can get to helping them with the injuries?" Grian asked, Martyn and Jimmy both nodded and moved to carefully pick up and carry the strange player to the building.

Grian looks at the others. "Can you guys get some food and spare clothes for the player?" The others nodded and went out to do just that while Grian followed Jimmy and Martyn to the building.


By the time Xisuma wakes up again, he was faintly aware of the pain he felt, but it was slowly fading away, leaving behind just a phantom feeling. Confused, he tried to look around- but felt something on their shoulder, putting a bit of weight to prevent them from even moving or getting up. "Relax, I'm still working on healing your injuries. You sustain a whole lot of burns." A familiar voices told him, even more confuse, he look over to see who exactly was healing him-

Only to jerk back in complete shock to see it was actually Grian that was healing him. Except he was...a lot younger?

Said person panicked and gently, but helped the currently in pain Xisuma who likely regret even moving back to a lying position. Picking up some makeshift bandages, a washcloth and a bucket of cold water to re-bandaged and clean the wounds that likely opened up from Xisuma stupid decision to move. Xisuma should really think about some things before doing a derpy move.

Eventually, Grian finished with re-bandaging his wounds and what not. "So, how did you get here?" He casually asked, Xisuma could take note of the way Grian sounded. He must have been fairly young, but still old enough to be on his own...Hopefully in the early twenties...hopefully. "I'm not entirely sure." He winced at how rough he sounded, but that wasn't much of a surprise really. "Or how I ended up here actually. One moment, I was just working on something, then..." Xisuma stopped, trailing off, what exactly happened afterward?

All he remembered after making a small mistake was bright light and burning pain.

Grian frowned, concerned for the player before them. "Guess you don't know how you ended up on this server, despite not being whitelisted or anything." He wondered, startling Xisuma. He wasn't aware nor knew that this was actually a whitelisted server. "Say, can you tell me your name?" Grian asked, genuinely curious to know who the strange player was in front of them.

Of course, this left Xisuma contemplating their choice. Tell their name and risk a huge issue or use a fake name and be left in the dark on who they truly are. They decided a fake name would be for the best, for the time being at least. "I'm...Xenrus." Xisuma answered, almost unsure, but to Grian, he interpreted it as hesitance to even tell their name.

Grian smiled softly nonetheless. "Well, nice to meet you Xenrus, I'm Grian." Xisuma was right to assume that the young adult was in fact Grian. "Unfortunately since the majority of your injuries were pretty bad, your...armor? I think? Had to unfortunately go, the suit under it was somewhat tattered and the helmets you had also gotten severely damaged and can't be repaired." He explained to him with an apologetic look, Xisuma sigh, he didn't expect to lose the majority of his stuff, but at the same time.

It makes it a tad bit easier to at least blend in wherever he's at. "However, I did manage to make something that would actually help until we get to an update with better redstone. As well as a update with potions actually, since I had to use my admin panel to heal your worst injuries so we don't have the risk of infections, especially since your not exactly whitelisted here and Respawn could be deadly for you." Xisuma stared at him pretty confused, what did he mean by that? And Grian was a admin?? 

"What do you mean?" He asked in confusion.

Grian stared at him. Almost skeptical, yet confused. "We're on Beta 1.4_01."

Xisuma stared at him with a blank expression, slowly processing what he had just been told, then proceeded to faint, startling a now panicked Grian. 


Xisuma somehow got sent here by a explosion and the time period is just before Grian Evo SMP Episode 14. 

Wonder how things would turn out now that Xisuma is here. 



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