Chapter 4

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Xisuma froze, shocked by what Taurtis had said, was it so easy to see that he was simply not from their time era? Did his action give him away? Was his presence alone just suspicious??

"Whoa! Relax man, I'm not gonna tell the others or anything." What Taurtis said startled Xisuma out of his thoughts- making him step back in surprise. Taurtis smiled sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. "Like I said, relax, I'm not going to do anything to you, man." He said once more, Xisuma narrowed his eyes, not believing him one bit really. "How can I even trust you? I just met you after all." Xisuma replied, he raised a fair point. He did just meet Taurtis and never expected to be revealed so quickly.

Taurtis hums, putting up a thinking pose in a sort of...childish manner per say. "I guess that's true, we just met. Yet the reason I even know who you are is because I am concerned." He answered with a shrug, putting his hands in his pocket. Seemingly bored and unbothered by what's happening, whereas Xisuma was slightly bothered by how calm Taurtis is about the conversation. "Concerned about what? Do you even know why I was even put in the past?" He questioned- this was Xisuma's only chance in getting any form of answers as to why he was in the past after all.

And Taurtis seems like he knows the answer.

"I don't exactly know the specifics if I am being honest. I just know that there was no redstone mistake. Someone purposely set that up against you and- probably just yoinked you to a random point of time." Taurtis answered honestly as he whistled, turning around to look at the remains of his summoning platform. The answer that Taurtis provided did little to help Xisuma, in fact it only just gave him more questions than answers. What struck him as odd...

Was the redstone and explosion that came with it. Actually...How can a simple redstone for something unimportant and with zero chance of explosives occurring happened?

"You said that the mistake in redstone was done by someone on purpose, was the explosive that came with it on purpose?" Xisuma questioned, catching Taurtis attention, said the person turned around, seemingly confused and concerned. "What explosive-?"

"I'm back! Took a bit longer than I expected to even set up the room- heck! It was just difficult to make sure there was enough room and basic decoration so Xenrus wouldn't-" Grian paused, stopping his rant to stare at the two players in front of him. He tilted his head. "Did I walk in on a conversation? You two seem tense- which is weird cause I usually never seen Taurtis so tense and even with this mildly gloomy atmosphere." Grian questioned, looking at them both with concern.

Taurtis just shrugged- Xisuma was mildly suspicious with how quickly he changed his expression from concerned confusion to lazy joy. "Meh, nothing all that bad, just asking Xenrus here some questions and to make sure he was safe to be around is all. Rather not have a repeat know who." He trailed off, looking away with disappointment. Grian just stared, with a slightly far away look at the vague mention of someone- who it would be?

Xisuma did not know, but what he does know is that he never wants Grian to have that look ever again.

Grian eventually came back to his senses after a moment and hummed in thought. "Riiiight, well, I hope you guys talk were exceedingly boring- seeing as I heard you both mentioned redstone, let me show you your room Xenrus." He instead said, changing the dark mood of the conversation to a light hearted kind. That made Xisuma smile, he could never understand how Grian cheerfulness could be so infectious, but he was glad that he got to know the younger hermit (He wasn't a hermit yet, his mind mentions) regardless.

Yet first thing first, he'll have to temporarily settle in this time period until he can find some way home.

"You know Xenrus, you kinda resemble someone I met back in high school." Grian unexpectedly startled Xisuma out of their thoughts. "I do?" He questioned with a hint of surprise, Grian nodded as he stopped in front of a door that leads to a room. "Yep, also this is your room, not exactly the best since it's underground and in this work in progress empire, but still good since I don't think there's enough space...nor do I want to even extend the little minecart station that doubled as my house." Grian trailed off with a shrug as he walked into the room he made for him.

Xisuma just smiled fondly and followed after- a bit surprised by the simple design that the room gave off. Yet at the same time, he was also surprised by just how big it looks. It wasn't as large as Grian base entirely, but still big enough to be homely, in a sense he supposed. A double bed in the left corner, a wooden desk made up of oak in the opposite corner. It does have a pot of ink, a feather and some papers. Blank looking books as well, on the surface. A simple chair was made with it as well and some paintings were hung up on the wall.

It was a very simple and plain room.

"We don't really have a lot in this version, but probably later in the updates we get a version where crafting or hand making some stuff gets easier." Grian commented with a shrug as he plopped on the bed. Xisuma just hummed in acknowledgement as he walked over to the desk. "So, who was that someone you said that looks similar to me?" Xisuma instead asked as he picked up one of the books, a bit surprised to see it was actually a book on potions. The type he never saw and the way they're brewed is foreign to him. Same with the uses as well.

"Oh that? Yeah, the person that looks similar to you and the same person I met in high school was, uh, I think their name was...Exavian Void?" Grian answered, a bit unsure since it had been quite awhile really. However, Xisuma instantly froze, he knew that name, the only person that had that name was...

His Twin Brother. 

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