Chapter 9

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If anyone asked Grian what he was doing, he would deny every bad crime that people think he would do on a daily basis. Nor would he ever tell anyone about his stash of TNT he hid somewhere in the base. Somewhere quite obvious. He really needs to have a better sorting system of some sort, he can't find so much of his stuff anymore.

Like that one time he had managed to find so much clay in the chest in his train station-house! As upset as he was to find out about that minor detail, he just went with it as he made more progress to his empire. Along with helping Xenrus make a house of their own, a bit closer to Spawn, but still quite far on walking terms. There is no way Grian is going to even bother with putting up a railway system at all either.

Not after suffering the pain of even installing it, or the fact it's actually quite expensive to even make at all. Iron has become hard to come by nowadays, especially Diamonds. Something that's very much valued here. Although, now that Grian thought about it, he should probably check up on Xenrus. He has slowly been collecting some materials to make him a new visor or a mask of sorts since it was damaged, he has noticed that he has some minor difficulties with breathing as of late.

A big sign of concern honestly.

Yet, since Xenrus is now whitelisted, while it's a good thing yes, giving Grian a range of health concerns he needs to worry about regarding Xenrus, also meant that he had to ensure that none of the Watchers and Listeners get their hands on him. He is a Voidwalker, they are very much widely sought after by all native to the Void itself. Even the Goddess of Death held them in high regards, especially for their safety.

Thus this left Grian, the current ruler of the Watchers, to ensure that none of the defected Watchers and Listeners, Players, Hybrids, Anyone, really, use the Voidwalkers for any purposes. They are a special clan of Admins that are far few and between. Those kinds of admins were wiped out during the war long ago. At least, that's what Herobrine had told him. He's still a young God when it comes to this stuff.

Then again he made the choice to guard and protect the Voidwalkers anyways. It's the least he can do for saving him far too many times.

"You know Grian, overthinking isn't good for someone like you." Grian sighs in annoyance as he places the last Clay block he needed to place and turns around, glaring at Taurtis. "Oh ho, if it isn't the traitor of the Grian Empire, what brings you here?" Grian asked in a mocked tone, Taurtis just smirked as he got up from leaning against the pillar. "Just came by to see how you are doing since the last time I was here. By the way, I'm hurt that you guys left me behind! The world was dark and creepy-"

"Wait- what creepy world?" Grian interrupted, utterly confused by what he had meant by a creepy dark world. Taurtis just stared at him with an unimpressed look. "It is as I said, it's a creepy world. Had I not managed to get out of it and get back here, well, I be gone probably-" Grian tuned out just as Taurtis started ranting about the world, he felt like such a world is a punishment of some sorts to those that don't hurry and update their world or a price to pay for being outcasted.

It was a little better than the void, but still sounds cruel from what Taurtis is saying. Would Xenrus end up in that world had the server not recognized him and made him a whitelisted player. It still haunts him of the what if and possibilities. Yet, he can't help but feel...terrified of the world that Taurtis spoke of. What exactly is it really?

"Grian, stop thinking, I can hear gears turning in your head AND smoke coming out." Grian glared at Taurtis for the blunt comment. "What? I'm just saying, that's all." He responded with a shrug, then remembered something. "Didn't you once mention something about needing to make a new mask or whatever the heck for Xenrus?" Grian blinked, trying to figure out what he had meant, then a light bulb went off in his mind as he realized what he had meant.

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