Working through Changes

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Alina's pov

Hugging my knees to my chest I couldn't stop crying. We had gotten home by sunset and I couldn't bring myself to go see my youngest sister. Someone knocked on the door that I didn't bother locking. "Alina, it's me. Can I come in?" I recognized my father's voice on the other side of the door.

"Sure...I guess so." I muttered knowing he would hear me with his vampire ears. His gaze scanned over the room seeing the lamp on my desk was snapped. The curtains weren't burning and the glass in the mirror was shattered to pieces on the floor.

He slowly bent down on a knee seeing my eyes were red from crying for hours on end. "Alina, please talk to me. Tell me what you are feeling now."

"I killed my sister, dad....I killed Missy....she's dead because of me!" I raised my head up from my knees hugging my knees tightly to my chest even more than I already was.

He reached his hand forward, placing it on my knee making me look him in the eye. I saw the look in his eyes when she died in his arms and I will never get that image out of my memory. "Lina, every werewolf has to go through this. But don't think for a moment that your mother and I hate you for it. A witch told us after all that she would become a heretic at some point."

"Does Missy hate me?  Jackson probably does and now he won't want to be with me." I croaked through tears before my father slowly pulled me in for a hug.

Gripping his shoulders I buried my face against his chest crying even more than I had before he came into my room. He ran one hand through my hair glancing over his shoulder when he heard someone standing in the doorway. "You can ask Missy when you leave this room. Your mother is getting her blood now. As for Jackson, I'll let him talk."

"Jack, you stayed. I would have..ran for the hills." I sniffed breaking the hug between my dad and I.

Jackson sat down on the floor with us, taking my hands in his, giving me a bright smile. He moved one hand up holding my cheek. "My mom was there the night I turned but for everything leading up to it and after she wasn't really there to help me. Help me through the pain that I would have to live with after killing somebody. I won't do that to you. I'm here for everything."

"Thank you, Jack. Uh dad...there's a full moon in two days. Could we get married so that Jack can be there when I turn and he doesn't have to chain himself away from me?" I glanced up to my father who had gotten to his feet.

He smiled toward us gesturing for us to follow him out. "I don't see why not. Come on, let's go see your sister." Jackson and I got to our feet where I felt him take my hand in his sending me a kind smile leading me after my dad.

Raelyn's pov

Sitting at the foot of my daughter's bed I just ran my fingers through Missy's hair slowly. Even though she was sixteen I would still see her as the sweet six year old she used to be. Regardless once she took some blood she would be stuck at age sixteen forever like Caroline was. "I know you can hear me, Melissa. And I just want you to know that even though when you open your eyes everything will feel strange. But we will be here to help you through this."

"Is she alright now?" Glancing over my shoulder I noticed my second daughter walk in the room with Jackson and my husband.

Getting up from the bed I slumped my shoulders walking over to her simply hugging her while I said my next words. "She will be once she feeds on some human blood. It's after that is where it will be the hardest. How are you though?"

"I'll get through it. But um...Jackson and I want to get married before I turn on the full moon in two days. Right now though I need to know she doesn't hate me....and that my little sister will....that my twin will be okay." Alina started crying when I slightly pulled back from the hug.

✅️ Gemini Runawayजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें