For Days Waiting

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Kiara moved around behind him to dig into her satchel, and a moment later, a pleasant aroma filled the air. He turned his head and watched as she rounded the bed once more to stand at Annie’s side, using a large feather to push and brush the smoke that was rising from a decorative bowl over the prone couple while she chanted softly. She had done this every day, but he didn’t understand why since it didn’t seem to be doing anything, and he noticed no changes in Annie or Copipa. As though sensing his doubt and confusion, she smiles softly.

“Spiritual healing is just as important, is it not?” He looks at her wearily but nods. “Sage, cedar, parsley and clove. I’ve added in a bit of cinnamon as well as a… bonus.”

The ghoul couldn’t help but laugh at the spark of mischief that lit up her eyes as she winked at him, shaking his head slightly. “And what does cinnamon do?”

“Vitality and love. I figured these two could use a boost. They are so in love, so attune to one another, yet…” She turns back towards him with a sad sigh. “They have not consummated their bond yet, have they? They do know about that, right? The bond?”

“They know,” Aether replies as he stands up. “But no, they have not consummated it yet. Her trauma holds her back.”

“Possibly for the best. If he’s anything like the read I’m getting off of him she’d end up just like her sister in no time, and right now is not the time for another little one to be running around.”

Aether pales, his eyes snapping over towards her, but he quickly composes himself. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Ah,” Kiara muses as she goes back to her bag that sits on the vanity. “One of those situations. Don’t worry. Secret is safe with me.”

“What secret?” he presses carefully. “What are you talking about?”

He has to dodge and catch a brush that she throws at him and he grumbles, turning only to jump back with a start as Kiara was standing in front of him, leaning up with her face inches from his with her eyes narrowed.

“I ain’t no spring chicken, hot stuff. I’m a witch, a healer. Something I’ve been my entire life. I can tell when someone is pregnant without them even needing to say anything and you feigning otherwise even though I know you know, trying to pull wool over my eyes about it is, frankly, insulting.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” 

She regards him a moment more before finally stepping back, turning to her bag once more.

“Apology accepted. But don’t let it happen again.”

He nods even though she can’t see it before heaving out another sigh. “Lilit’s pregnancy is a….complicated matter.”

“Accident? Something unwanted? Does her mate know?”

“He does, and yes, it was an accident, but it’s one that has been met with love and want. Only the five of us know. Copia, Annie, Lilit, Mountain, and myself. Well, now you know as well, so that makes six.”

“Why the secrecy then?” She’s turned now, taking a seat on the chair as she looks up at him. “What makes it complicated?”

“You don’t know about ghoul pregnancies, I take it?”

“Nope!” She flashes him a smile, her eyes crinkling in the corners. “I know next to nothing about ghouls. You lot are the first I’ve met in person.”

Aether returns her smile before easing down to sit on the bed next to Copia, lightly crossing his arms over his chest. “Ghoul pregnancies are dangerous. Nearly all end in miscarriage before the first two months are up, and if the kit makes it to term, the birth is just as dangerous and fatal with, more often than not, either the mother and or the child perishing.

Bloody Angel: Book 3Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu