They find an invoice in her office for a package picked up the same day the men arrived, taken from 333 Coldwater Road.

"Look at this." Montoya reads the notes. "This package was delivered to 333 Coldwater Road."

And with that, Megan gets it down from her computer book to pinpoint the location.

"I got it! Batgirl, let's go save Gordon before Nora does something else that's bad as kidnapping him."

This turns out to be the address of an all-but-abandoned ice cream factory, now housing the cryogenically frozen body of Commissioner Gordon, other high-end freezing equipment, and Dora. Hearing an alarm go off, she dons a costume and freeze gun, and goes to meet the intruders as they bust in through the gate.

"Friends of yours, Commissioner?" she said to Commissioner Gordon's frozen body, hearing an alarm going off.

Montoya is frozen inside her car with Megan tagging along to end it all once and for all.

"Put down your weapon, Nora! And freeze!" said Montoya with her gun out.

"Don't move, Dora! I know who you really are, Nora's little sister!" she said.

"Pardon the irony, Montoya. And the same to you, Megan, but..."

Nora fires her ice gun to trap Montoya in her car to be frozen over, leaving for Megan to try using her powers to break from the ice trying to freeze her over next.

"Hey!" she moves away and tries to fight back. "Watch it!"

But Batgirl eludes Dora, tying her up with a grappling hook just in time. Leaving Megan to use her flamethrower hair spray to save Montoya right away.

"I thought you and Megan would understand, Batgirl, that you would see how the costumed villains had to be destroyed."

Man, Dora is freak when she's all evil and all.

"Where is Commissioner Gordon?" Batgirl demands Dora to answer her.

"Safe." she answers back. "I would never hurt him."

"Like Mr. Freeze hurt you, you mean?"

Dora assures Batgirl that Gordon is safe, even as she breaks free of her bonds, accidentally starting the revival process on his chamber allowing Megan to try to save him next.

"Batgirl, I got this! Just stop Dora!" said Megan to use her powers to get the tube to open up.

"For years, it was just the two of us; Nora and Dora, Dora and Nora, sisters, inseparable...until he came along, Victor Freeze. I tried to be happy for them, but when Nora got sick, Victor wouldn't let her die in peace. He should have been destroyed, every costumed menace should be destroyed!" She rants about her motivations, about Victor Fries, who tore her and her sister Nora apart, and wouldn't let her sister die in peace, as she bears down on Batgirl, driving her on the defensive and knocking her against a piece of solid iron.

"Batgirl!" Megan hurries up to hack through the systems to save Gordon's life. "Ah, got it."

Megan going up top to save her partner, as Dora was going on about how all 'costumed menaces' should be destroyed, Dora holds Batgirl, beaten, over a vat—when she is interrupted by Commissioner Gordon, awake, out of his chamber and already up and about.

"What gives you the right to say that...?" Batgirl asks her. "Victor Fries-!"

"Victor Fries was a freak and a monster!" Dora interrupts her. "If it wasn't for him, my sister would be..."

Gordon gets out of there to tell Dora the truth that Nora was alive and well to be remarried to love someone else today.

"Your sister would be dead today!" he said to feel tired.

The New Batman Adventures - A Bounty Hunter's Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें