"I never thought it would end this way. For us or for Barbara." he said.

"But still, you saved us, Dick, and that's what matters the most...or would've been if..." Megan got upset while she was thinking about Barbara/Batgirl. "Oh, God! Why her?!"

"We know..."

For Tim/Robin was upset too for Gidget to try cheering them all up, Nightwing wishes to know every detail that went down today.

"I still don't know everything that happened."

"I'll never forget." said to Batman. "I can see it as clearly as my parents' murder."

There, Batman recalls the events that led to this...Flashback time! The Scarecrow had laid siege to Gotham City Hall. While Batman, Megan, and Robin dealt with his henchmen, Batgirl ran after Scarecrow to an upper level by herself.

"Hey Scarecrow's getting away!" said Megan.

"I got him!"

Batgirl struck at what she thought was him only to find it was part of his clothing on an antenna as a decoy. As she turned around, Scarecrow attacked her and hits her with his staff. Robin, Batman, and Megan arrived too late to save her.

"No!" cried out Robin.

"Batgirl!!!" same with Megan.

She fell from the building and landed on the hood of a squad car carrying James Gordon and Harvey Bullock. Gordon ran to Batgirl and sent Bullock to call for an ambulance. However, as soon as she called him 'Dad', Gordon realized in horror that the member of Batman's team who was dying in front of him was his own daughter after removing the cowl on her face.

"Oh, my God...Barbara..." Gordon hugs Barbara to try saying something to her father but couldn't.

"Dad, I-!" she then dies.

No... Seconds after Batgirl died, Batman descended, but Gordon was angry because, after all these years of hard work and trust, he was never told about this, and blamed Batman for her death to really happen. Megan goes up to Barbara as she was found out the hard way to mourn for her death.

"No, Barbara...! Gordon, forgive us please...!" she was crying in Batman's arms. "We tried. Scarecrow's to blame for all of this, and her secret...she wanted to aid us..."

"Jim, I'm sorry."

But like Gordon will listen to reason now.

"How could you, Batman...? I trusted you on everything and this is how you repay me? She was my only daughter that I ever had. My daughter..." he said in tears.

Before Batman could comfort Gordon, Bullock held him at gunpoint and ordered him to surrender, thinking that Batman really killed her.

"Bullock, what are you doing?" Megan asks him.

"Megan, get back." he pulls Megan away from Batman. "It's for your own good. This low life's no good for you. That's as far as you go, murderer. Play times over, you freak. Lose the mask and the belt, now." Bullock fires a warning shot. "I said now!"

"Stop this, Bullock!" Megan tries talking to him. "Batman, say something to these guys! Please! Gordon, please believe in us...Gordon! Make Bullock stop!"

For Gordon, he does want Batman arrested now. Oh, no...! With Robin's timely intervention, they managed to flee.

"Batman! Come on!"

They escaped for Megan to give Bullock a throw down for the cops to lose Batman and Robin with smoke bombs afterwards.

"Don't do this, Megan, you'll get arrested too!" Bullock warns her.

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