"Time to put you in the cage where you belong, Croc." said the Dark Knight.

Croc frees himself then catches a Batarang in his mouth and chews it up, spitting it out at Batman's feet.

"Now that's bad for your teeth." said Megan and then sees something being thrown at them. "Batman, heads up!"

Croc rips off the grille and hurls it. Dodging it, Batman continues to give chase and manages to tackle Croc into a brick wall, then stuns him with a punch and Megan ties him up with her ribbons.

"Not again...!" Killer Croc said before passing out.

"From us hitting him, it took a brick wall to slow him down. How sad."

With Megan cuffing Killer Croc somehow, Dahl has left the motel and arrives at the courthouse just in time to see Batman and Megan both Sedating Croc with his jet injector, recapturing him.

"Those two...!" Dahl wasn't too happy about all of this.

Later in jail, Croc is being held in a special water tank. A guard brings Dahl to see him as a visitor. She feeds him several chickens to get his attention.

"What do you want?" Killer Croc asks her.

"I heard what you said to the judge. I want you to know that I understand about being different. You've never let the way you look undermine your self-confidence. I admire that. I feel somehow that we're kindred spirits."

For Dahl, she understood Croc to not give up. But still, does she really want to trust a criminal like him?

"Too bad we didn't meet sooner, babe. They're sending me up the river tomorrow night. My number's up."

"Don't lose hope." said Dahl. "Maybe fate will take a hand."

Dahl tells Croc they are kindred spirits because they both know the pain of being 'just different' from everyone else. Croc tells her that he'll be sentenced to death the next day, but Dahl tells him not to lose hope. I think Baby Doll's coming back again...By the next night, Mary Louise Dahl has officially checked out and Baby-Doll is back. As authorities are transferring Croc to state prison in a police van, Baby-Doll poses as a child in the middle of the road, causing them to swerve off the road and roll down an embankment. Baby-Doll electrocutes the guards that are still standing and liberates Croc. Baby-Doll hugs her 'precious' and professes her love for him. Croc is confused with her behavior, but he's not about to turn down a 'get out of jail free' card. With Megan hearing about this once Gidget showed her the news on the screen, it didn't look good for her learning about it and then Batman.

"What the?!" she reads it. "Killer Croc escaped with Baby Doll at it again...? (Anyone but her!)"

Sometime later, Baby-Doll and Croc have made a home in the sewer, patterning it after a fifty's family home.

"Hey, Babe! I'm home!"

Baby-Doll runs up to Killer Croc to be hugging and kissing him.

"*Gasp!*" she said. "Crocky Wockle! Where have you been? Baby miss her precious so-o-o-o much!"

Now that's messed up!

"All right, all right!" he tells her. "Enough of the mushy stuff."

Croc, however, soon grows tired of the 'mushy stuff' and shows her a newspaper that describes them as 'Gotham's Bonnie and Clyde'. Croc opens a cupboard containing piles of money and stashes some in his overcoat, telling her he'll be back for dinner. Baby-Doll tries to convince him to stay, but her nagging just pushes him out the door that much faster. Croc departs angry, leaving behind a sad and confused Baby-Doll. Megan tells her boyfriend Bruce/Batman already about what was happening 'even for Baby Doll to fall for someone like Killer Croc', later on Batman also explains to Batgirl, riding in the Batboat, that Baby-Doll is basing all their crimes near water, playing to Croc's strengths.

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