You Scratch my Back

Start from the beginning

"Hey, I saw him." said Nightwing.

"Didn't look like it."

And for him and Batgirl to play around...are they in love still? Only for Nightwing to also give his thanks to Megan.

"Ah, thanks for the save there...I guess..."

Nightwing isn't impressed and claims to have seen the thug coming and he could have handled it by himself. But deep down he was more worried for them than himself without admitting it, that's Nightwing ladies and gentlemen. While they are chatting, another goon comes up and Batgirl easily deals with him in the same manner, further aggravating Nightwing. Finally, a third thug gets up and runs for it, with Nightwing giving chase.

"Hey! He's getting away!" Megan shouted.

The thug runs right into Batman and stops the man in his tracks, but when Batman makes no move to apprehend him, the thug slowly starts to creep away and then bolts.

"He's all yours."

Funny Batman said that to Nightwing to continue the chase, and for Megan was like...

"Talk about team work here. Dick has changed a lot to become his own superhero." she said. "Still, at least he's still on our side."

As Nightwing continues the chase, someone else intervenes. Catwoman, observing what is going on, decides to enter the fray. Just as the thug is about to escape, he is thrown out, bound and gagged, from behind the crates. Catwoman shows herself, then blows a kiss and disappears into the night but with saying her goodbyes to Megan on her way out as she says hi to her dear friend/enemy of hers.

"I told you I didn't need--" Nightwing stops to see Catwoman.

"A gift." Catwoman blows Nightwing a kiss then flips away and saying hi to Megan real quick. "Hi, Megan, let's hang out again later." she said to be leaving in the shadows next.

"Huh? Selina?!" Megan tries to find her friend/enemy to disappear just like that. "(Oh, great...with her around, who knows what she's planning.)"

Looks like Nightwing caught the other guy to turn in for the two were lost on what Catwoman was up to this time, for he was like 'you said it'.

"Mmmhpphummnmmphhumnhrm." the bad guy said with his mouth taped up.

"You said it."

Something like that...Megan was a bit worried for her and Bruce/Batman to be aware of two things now.

"Catwoman again." said Batman. "You know what that means, right Megan?"

"I sure do, Bruce, it's trouble."

The next night in Dick Grayson's home, Barbara has some concerns. She wonders why he didn't seize Catwoman, but he claims that she has turned over a new leaf and was only trying to help. I think she's jealous to see if he started to like Catwoman or Megan, then they use to be in love back then. Bummer...Dick divulges that there are rumors of a big smuggling shipment arriving very soon to Gotham. Without debating it further, Nightwing fires up his motorcycle and heads out for another night of patrol. And for Barbara to worry about her...friend-like partner of hers.

"Ah, man..."

Megan arrives to check on her friend.

"No luck asking him about Selina Kyle's helping out Dick? AKA Catwoman herself?" she asked.

"I got nothing for him. Sorry, Megan." said Barbara.

Megan sees an old photo of Dick and Barbara to be dating a while back for him to still have it.

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