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Baby's breathing was heavy as Ryan's hips moved against her own, letting her sounds out in her bedroom, since they were the only ones in the house. One hand was tangled in his hair, her nails of her other hand digging into his back, something he actually enjoyed, a low grunt emitting from him. She had originally woken up with his head in between her legs, rousing her from her peaceful sleep in the near best way possible, something she didn't complain about. When she reached her high the first time, she knew he wasn't finished with her, his hand trailing downward, fingers finding her sensitive nub, which caused her back to arch in the pleasure she felt. A moan emitted from her as her legs tightened around him, Ryan slowing his movements as another grunt emitted from him, reaching his high as well, but letting them both ride it out.

". .Good morning." she panted, letting her head fall against her pillows

A breathless chuckle emitted from Ryan, lifting his head and pressing a kiss to her lips, which caused her to instantly comply, a content sigh emitting from her nose.

"Good morning to you, darlin'." he smiled

She let out a small whimper at the loss of him as he gently pulled out, wanting to just stay in bed with him today, but knowing that wasn't an option.

"We got that auction today" a low groan emitting from her ". . One more round in the shower?"

A shocked scream emitted from her when she was suddenly lifted from the bed, laughing as Ryan quickly made his way to her bathroom with her in his arms.

She didn't go to many auctions, but knew the procedure, even willing to throw some of her own money in the pot, just so Yellowstone wouldn't have to do it alone, even though that's what John sometimes preferred. Baby was sitting next to Rip, a to-go cup of coffee in her hand while Lloyd was sitting on his other side,

"Next up we have six replacement Angus heifers." the auctioneer informed "Let's start these replacement Angus off at five hundred dollars?"

"This is that straight-back bunch we liked." Lloyd informed

"Mm-hm." Rip nodded

Baby rose her hand, the auctioneer pointing to her,

"I got a thousand dollars right here." he said quickly "Anybody go eleven? I have one thousand, anybody gonna go eleven now?"

She looked toward another two ranchers, an older man looking at her with a glare, causing a smirk to form on her lips, lifting her cup up and taking another drink of her coffee. A low huff emitted from her nose, lowering her cup as she shook her head, seeing that she was actually the only woman in the room, which didn't intimidate her at all, especially since she was sitting right next to the toughest cowboy in Montana, one who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty, and would do so for anyone who worked the ranch. That was just who Rip was, once his trust was earned, he would lay down his life for the ones he cared about, and that included Baby.

"I have a sale right there, one thousand dollars." the auctioneer said, pointing to the woman

"Hell yeah." Lloyd chuckled, writing it down

"Daddy will like this bunch." Baby added

"You ready?" Rip asked "Let's roll."

"Yep." Lloyd replied

The two men got up with low groans, Baby standing up as well, following them out of the room and ignoring the stares from the other men. She threw her empty cup in the trash bin by the door, Lloyd keeping it open for her, letting her exit first before the two followed. It didn't matter if she was considered to be one of the guys, she was still a woman and they felt the need to act as gentlemen when it came to certain things, which was something that was never going to change, and something she really appreciated.


Ryan and Colby were separating the cattle, Baby leaning back against the metal gate next to Lloyd,

"Hey, Colby!" Rip called out "Turn that charolais back, it ain't ours."

Teeter climbed over the gate, jumping in and blocking the path of a white heifer,

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!" She shouted

She shoved the side of the animals face, causing it to turn back around and head toward the other tattle,

"Yee-ah-ha." Lloyd chuckled "That skinny girl's a hand, I gotta say it."

"How's she working out?" Rip asked

"Well, you gotta define working out." he replied

"Boys leaving her alone?" looking at him

"Leaving her alone?" scoffing lightly in amusement "That little hyena, she looks at a man like he's a rented mule. She's got the bunkhouse so scared they're going to bed with the chickens." earning a chuckle from Rip "Except for Ryan, he's been in the main house with Baby last couple of nights."

Rip looked at her with a raised eyebrow, causing the woman to smirk, shrugging lightly,

"No ones in the house, might as well take advantage of it." no shame in her voice

"Good for you." he chuckled

Baby wasn't one for one-night stands, and the last time she had sex was with her abusive ex, so there was a good sized gap between then and her and Ryan's first time. She was definitely not going to complain about that, hell, she couldn't think of a better place than the outdoors. But since their first time, keeping their hands off if one another when they were alone had proved to be a major challenge, one that she was also not ashamed to admit.

"Bring 'em all to the new pen, will ya?" as Baby closed the large door to the trailer "We'll be right behind you."

The four of them climbed in the truck, Teeter and Colby in the back, Ryan in the driver's seat and Baby in the passengers seat, the truck driving away from the auction house a few minutes later.

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