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A steer lowed as it ran out of an enclosed gate in the paddock, Rip and another ranch hand riding on their horses, chasing after it while swinging their ropes. His rope landed on its horn, turning it in a different direction as the other man looked at it's feet, throwing his rope at the perfect time. It wrapped around it's ankles, allowing him to pull on it, the two of them bringing their horses to a stop, which forced the steer to stop as well, back legs slightly raised due to the rope.

"How come you can't rope like that when we're roping for money?" Lloyd asked as they removed their ropes

"Then I'm thinking about the money, not the fun" the ranch hand, Jake, replied

"It's not supposed to be fun" Rip said "it's fucking practice. Walker, Jimmy, get your asses in there"

"On a scale from one to ten, " Jimmy said "how bad's the luck from putting your hat on the bed?"

"About as bad as changing a horse's barn name" Walker answered

". . Hey, what's this horse's name?" looking at Colby

"You've been riding that horse for a month and you still don't know his fucking name?" Baby asked as she rode up on Ebony "it's Ray"

"I thought you rode Ray" looking at her

"No, I ride Ebony" pointing to her horse

"Which one do you ride?" this time looking back at Colby

"I ride Owen" he answered

"All right, that's not quite the same as changing it" he shrugged

"Jimmy, I went to prison for seven years" Walker informed getting his rope ready "I'd say you're probably the dumbest motherfucker I've ever met. And that's really saying something"

Baby chuckled at his words, another steer being released, which caused Walker and Jimmy to chase after it with their horses. Jimmy threw his rope first, landing around it's horn,

"I got him!" He informed

"Belly up!" The woman called out

She threw her hands up as Jimmy fell off his horse, the saddle going with him.

"Let go of the fucking rope!" Rip yelled

"Let go!" Colby yelled

He screamed as he was dragged across the dirt, holding on to the rope and the saddle until he eventually let go, causing him to do a small flip before landing on his back. Rip, Lloyd, Walker and Colby rode up to him on their horses,

"That's why we take care of our tack, Jimmy" Rip said

"I put my hat on the bed" he replied "and I called Owen, Ray"

"Jimmy" looking down at him "you need to stop listening to those yahoos in the bunkhouse. There's ain't no such thing as luck. But I sure believe in stupid because you prove it every fucking day. Now get your stuff and let's go. Get up" riding away with the others

"Where's my hat?" his voice cracking as he rolled himself over, his hat laying a foot from him in the dirt

The woman sat down in one of the chairs in the bunkhouse, a purple Milo's in her hand as the cards were delt. There were two colors of Milo's that she liked, red -- classic sweet. Purple -- extra sweet.

"If you have three tens, we're fist fighting" Ryan commented

"Actually, I do" Colby replied

Lloyd placed the last card down, which was the Ace of diamonds,

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