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Half of the wranglers were sitting at a picnic table, the other half on another one, Baby sitting next to Ryan as everyone ate their food that Gator had cooked for them -- and was still cooking, since they often went back for seconds. She reached for the pitcher of water, grasping the handle and refilling her cup, doing the same for Ryan as he placed a biscuit on her plate.

"What's your name?" Avery asked as she looked at the new man

". . Cowboy" he replied

"Your name is Cowboy?" Colby asked, turning to look at him "shit, we're all cowboys"

"Ha" he scoffed "the hell you are. Her? She's a cowboy"

Baby turned around, seeing that the new man was pointing directly at her, a small smile forming on her lips, tipping her hat to him.

"And you . ." He said, looking at Jimmy "you ride a horse like a teenager fucks -- bouncing up and down, with your eyes wide, stunned you're even doing it at all"

"The only cowboy thing I've seen you do is clean your plate" Ryan spoke up as he stood from his spot, taking a few steps toward the new man "stand up and tell me I can't cowboy"

"I didn't say you can't" looking up at him "I said he can't" pointing to Colby "and he sure as hell can't" pointing to Jimmy. "and you don't want me standing up, boy. I will beat you like a rented mule"

Ryan placed his hands on the table as he looked at Cowboy, Rip standing up from his place, taking a few steps toward him,

"There's one rule on this ranch, Cowboy" he informed "if you wanna fight somebody, you fight me. I guess you forgot that rule, right?"

"Ryan" Baby said, looking at him

He stood straight, taking a few steps back and sitting back down in his original place, continuing to eat his food. Since they began dating, Baby hadn't used Ryan's first name, something the other wranglers noticed, and often teased him about it, claiming that she wasn't interested in him anymore. Little do they know, they had been on several dates, but haven't made anything official just yet. Rip walked away from Cowboy, making his way to the triangle that was hanging and hitting it to gain Walker's attention, who simply ignored the sound as he began sing.

"Lloyd, go tell Elvis supper's ready" Rip said

"I'll tell him for you" Cowboy said as he stood from his seat

Baby lightly scratched her upper lip, watching as he walked over to Walker. Kayce had gone to see Tate, who was living with Monica and her grandfather on the reservation. He told Monica that he was the one who killed her brother, and Baby didn't know why, because if he didn't say anything, then Monica may not have left him. But it was his choice.

Music played through the speakers as the wranglers sat at the table in the bunkhouse, playing cards. Cowboy was sitting on the sofa, watching TV and Walker was laying in his bed,

"I got a whole handful right here" Ryan said

"Easy to say when you're not in it" Lloyd chuckled

Baby grabbed a red Milo's from the refrigerator, letting the door close as she leaned back against the counter,

"That's game" Lloyd said

"Oh, you son of a bitch" Ryan replied

"It's Saturday night" Avery spoke up "this all we're gonna do?" looking at them as they didn't answer "Jesus! Is it just one set of testicles y'all share?"

"You know, except for the pair I'm wearing" Cowboy chuckled "those two got the only sets of balls in this bunkhouse" pointing to Avery and Baby "when I was your age, we was out in the arena playing real poker. Cowboy Poker"

"Now there's a thought" Baby said, a smirk forming on her lips

"Get your ass out in the arena" Lloyd said

"Sorry, what's Cowboy Poker?" Jimmy asked

"We're not gonna do it, so don't worry about it" Colby replied

But Baby continued to smirk as Cowboy began to cluck like a chicken.


This was how they found themselves out in the arena, Ryan, Baby, Colby, Avery, Cowboy and Jimmy sitting at a round table, Lloyd by the gate and Walker standing outside of the arena.

"Y'all sure about this?" Lloyd asked

"Does someone want to explain the rules?" Jimmy asked

"Last one at the table keeps the pot" Ryan quickly informed "you want some courage?" holding out a liquor bottle to Colby

"Fuck yeah" he replied, taking the bottle and drinking the contents

While the others were nervous, Baby was actually bouncing her knees in excitement, holding on to the arms of the chair with a smile she didn't try to hide,

"Drink up, dipshits" Cowboy muttered

"Y'all are getting horse traded by this ol' bastard" Lloyd said with a smirk "Jimmy, stay seated, no matter what. Bull always goes for the table first"

"This is fucking nuts!" He called out

"Yeah, there's not a lot smart about it" Ryan replied

"Here we go ladies" Avery smiled

"Okay, let it rip" Lloyd said

"Oh, geeze" Jimmy muttered as the bull was released

The bull ran down the available path, Lloyd quickly opening the gate and letting it inside the arena,

"Fuck that!" Colby said, getting up from his seat and running away

The animal charged toward the table, Ryan and Jimmy quickly getting up from their seats. Baby let out a groan as she was thrown to the ground, a cough emitting from her as the wind was knocked out of her, opening her eyes and waving her hand around to remove the dust in the air. She grabbed her hat that was next to her, getting to her feet after Avery and running to the gate of the arena just as the bull ran after her. Placing her hat on her head, she climbed over the gate, jumping down just as the bull crashed into it, laughter emitting from her as she threw her hands in the air,

"Well, I'll be damned" Cowboy said "god, did you see that?"

"That was fucking awesome!" Baby said as she jogged over to them

"Balls of fucking steel" Ryan said, helping her over the gate

"You okay?" Jimmy asked

"Wait, who won?" Colby asked

"That would be Baby" Lloyd replied "she stayed there the longest"

"Fuck yes!" The woman smiled as he handed her the money she won

"She lost her hat, she owes us a six pack" Colby informed, pointing to Avery

"The fuck I do" Avery replied

"What are you dipshits doing?!" Rip asked as he walked over to them

"It's a Saturday" Jimmy replied

"I know what fucking day it is, jimmy" he said "don't be messing with that bull. If you guys want to get drunk, you go down to the fucking bar. Get out of here. Go on, get out of here"

"I'm buying!" Baby announced, holding her winnings up

BabyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon