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"I overslept." Tate said as he walked out of the tent he shared with John

"You slept, Tot." Baby replied "That's all that matters right now."

"Does that mean it's too late to go fishing now?" looking at her as he sat next to her father

"Trout are like . . they're like bankers." John replied "They don't do a damn thing in the morning."

He stood from his pace in the log, one hand on his hip as he drank his coffee from his thermos,

"Can I try some?" Tate asked as he stood as well

"Nah, it'll stunt your growth." John replied

"What does that mean?" walking with him to the fishing gear

"Means it'll make you short." grabbing the fishing poles

"I'm already short." he pointed out

"Yeah, well . ." chuckling lightly "Not as short as you'll be if you drink coffee. Why don't you bring the net if you're planning on catching a big one."

Baby smiled as he quickly grabbed the net, running to catch up with John as he began to walk to the river that was actually close to the campsite. The woman ruffled out her hair, which now flowed down to the small of her back with curls practically stacked on top of one another, and she was going to keep it at that length for a while before getting a trim. Ryan and Colby grabbed a few empty containers, walking toward the river as well in order to collect some water, which gave Baby the job of putting together a filter, just in case. While the water may look clean, it doesn't mean it's completely safe to drink. She placed her hat on her head, leaving her hair down -- mostly because she wasn't in the mood of putting it in a braid -- and she also forgot the hair tie that was used when it was in a low ponytail.

"Well, it doesn't matter then, does it?" John asked, phone to his ear as he walked out of the tent "Just get it done, okay?" hanging up as he walked over to Tate and Baby, who were preparing the trout for everyone "Whoah . ." letting out a chuckle "Well that's exactly how you do it." watching them "Look at you. Don't even need a chuck wagon."

"We need lemon." Tate said as Baby laid another sheet of foil on the ground, allowing him to place another fish on top

"Well, there's a big bag of them on the wagon." she informed

"I'll get it." standing and running over to it

John let out another chuckle, Baby smiling as she watched him, but turning to look at her father when his phone started to ring,

"Aye, goddamn it." he muttered, taking his phone back out of his pocket and answering it "yeah? No. Not what I said. Mm-mm. Can you hear me?" walking up a hill right next to the campsite "Hello?"

"Aunt Luna?" Tate asked, gaining her attention "one slice, or two?" holding up the bag of lemons

"Let's do two." she replied, holding her hand out "But let's add the zest so we can taste it more."

"Work follows you wherever you go, Grandpa." handing her the lemons as he looked at the older man

"Truer words were never spoken." he replied

"This is a zester." Baby informed, holding up a small zester

"Looks like a cheese grater." Tate replied

"Kind of." she chuckled "But what you do is . ." grabbing a lemon "Run the skin on it, and it'll fall on the fish" showing him "Now, you gotta rotate if after every few strokes, like this" holding up the lemon "we want the darker parts, as much as you can get. Think you can handle it?"

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