Chapter 1

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3rd pov

Muzan sighed, he sighed yet doesn't know why he sighed. Did he sighed because of annoyance? Well, he is always annoyed, maybe because of frustration? Thought he is always frustrated, or he was angry. But he knew that was not the case. "Just what is going on with me?!" He shouted, clearly unable to find what's wrong with him.

Frustration was taking over him and he knew, any seconds he might explode if.... anyone, anyone said a word to him. Now anger is building up against his heart, which heart? He doesn't know. He was on the edged of collapsing everything before his very own demonic eyes 'I just don't understand why, just why am I feeling weird.... This has been going on for months now, I tried every possible ways to understand it but luck is never my side' Muzan's thought ramble about those feelings every time, every minute and every second.

It made him forget about the blue spider lily rather than remembering it.

'I should probably take some fresh air to cool myself, which it always does. If no one interfere only' Muzan step out of his office and remained standing near the door, thinking about the very same feelings that has been troubling him. 'Concentrate Muzan' He took a breath and exhale it then walked towards the main room, knowing well that Nakime will always be there.

"Nakime, teleport me to a near by forest" Muzan said coldly, as he is the demon king after all.

Nakime bowed down, giving respect to her Lord, and gave a slight nob. She raised her fingers which was near her biwa and hit a string, teleporting Muzan to a near by forest, knowing he is most likely to take a fresh air from his frustration that was shown on his face.


Muzan felt air pressing his pale face, he opened his eyes and scanned the area around him, wherever he goes he always stays on guard, making sure no one is following him.

As he made sure no one was there except him he let his guard down a little, Muzan felt relaxed, having the air touch his pale skins. He inhale the freshness that was spreading from the tree to the air and exhale it. He wished to feel the touch of the sun because of being getting used of the moons touch, it has been centuries. Making him forget what day light feels like, how does summer or sping comes out. He was so used of cold breeze that all his skin has forgotten the warm breeze during his Heian era.

Muzan took a stroll through the forest, mesmerizing the beauty before him. He never knew such forest existed especially when there was a pond, it was beautiful, it felt like he was just a normal human, living upon this very forest with a lovely family or so.

He saw a tree and went towards it, taking a rest upon it. The moon lit just at the right angel to spread its beauty through out the whole forest. But then he was interrupted by a sound, it sent alertness to him. Thinking it might be a slayer, he stood up from where he rested, "Show yourself or I won't hesitate to end your very life, where you stand" He spoked with venomous words.

The person jumped down from the very tree Muzan was resting upon and stood in front of him. They kneel down and bowed their head, giving him respect.

"It is I, Lord Muzan. I apologize for interrupting your day" The person spoke with coldness in their words, for it is how they speak to everyone.

Muzan hummed and took a sit, "You may lift your head" The person looked up and stayed where they were. It made Muzan uncomfortable, so he said something which was never expected by anyone. "Do come here and enjoy the night with me, I might need some company after all..... Upper One"

Taken a back by the words, Kokushibo was left hanging at his spot, to make sure if his Lord was just joking. "I am serious, Upper One" And this proves it, so he stood from his place and walked towards Muzan. Taking a sit next to him, fixing his eyes towards the pond which was reflecting the moon.

Muzan felt fuzzy when Kokushibo was sitting near him, he tried to ignore it by starting a conversation. "This is where you live?" He asked, clearly thinking this was stupid.

Kokushibo was quiet but then said "Yes" His eyes still fixed towards the pond. Muzan still not sure what was wrong with him, why he was having trouble having a conversation with Upper One. Him and Upper One has been business partner for centuries, this shouldn't be new to him.

Muzan hummed, resting his eyes.

The night passed by with both of them, having small talks and Kokushibo touring
Muzan around the forest.


I didn't had any motivation to write or had no idea how to start the story but I just wrote what felt right in my heart. And this is how my story started

Took me an hour or so.

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