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Miss Marina Thompson's recent fall from grace continues to echo through every drawing room in town, days after it was revealed her engagement to Colin Bridgerton was nothing more than a sham. Of course, a lady's disgrace does not merely tarnish her own name. Like the tars of the Thames, it also leaves a horrid smear on anyone nearby.

While there is no parasol in the world strong enough to shelter a ruined woman, the fallen Miss Thompson can only hope she shall find a refuge somewhere.

Eloise and I are sitting in the Bridgerton drawing room. Things have been tense since it was revealed Miss Thompson is with child.

"My Mama has been going on about my debut next season," Eloise tells me. "This scandal could tarnish that."

"I am sure you would be devastated," I offer.

"I told her that I should delay my coming out altogether a few years," Eloise tells me.

"I have met your Mama, Eloise. I do not think she is falling for that," I tell her.

"She told me to just keep smiling," Eloise states.

"If only that could work for Pen," I offer.

"Penelope and her sisters did nothing wrong, but their reputation's destroyed," Eloise states. "It's this Whistledown."

"Her word is as good as gospel," I reason.

"Though, perhaps if she can destroy a reputation... she can restore one too," Eloise says. "I am not giving up on Pen."

I smile. "Nor am I."

I pass Colin sitting in one of the studies on the way out.


He looks up at me. "Ruth."

"I am sorry for what it is worth," I tell him. Colin nods his head. "I saw that Daphne has returned."

"She thinks she can save my family's reputation," Colin informs me.

"Have you spoken to Miss Thompson?" I question.

"Yes," Colin tells me. "Daphne agreed to chaperone a visit once I explained everything."

"I am sure Anthony was against it," I state.

"Very much so," Colin says. "He thinks that if anyone were to see me go near Miss Thompson, everyone will presume me responsible for her ruin, and my sisters will pay the price for my notoriety."

"He is right," I argue. "You're lucky to have learned Miss Thompson's now, instead of after your wedding day."

"I know you must think me a fool..." Colin starts. "But my heart pays no heed to mere logic. When I think of her, I only want to be near her, to be with her... despite all reason otherwise."

"And you visited her anyway," I state.

"Leander swam Abydos to Sestos every single night in complete darkness just to see his love," Colin tells me.

"Leander also lost his way and drowned," I remind him.

"You wish to know the cruelest part of Miss Thompson's deception?" Colin questions. "If Miss Thompson had simply come to me and told me of her situation... I'd have married her without a second thought. That is how in love I believed myself to be. But I see now that was all a lie."

I grab Colin's hand in my own. "I know it seems impossible now but you will grow from this heartbreak. I am sure of it."

The Queen's luncheon is sure to be a bore. I am solely here because no one says no to Her Majesty. Well two reasons. The Queen and Everett.

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