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Dearest gentle reader, it is often said that those who marry in haste must repent at leisure, a sentiment that is clearly shared by Miss Daphne Bridgerton, who has apparently rejected not one, not two, but three proposals already this week. Some believe she is showing admirable forethought in her deliberations, but I would venture a different conjecture, that she, like this author, is still waiting on the only suitor of note.

I sit in the drawing room with my family. Lydia and Peter are taking great joy in asking me question after question about my season and Lord Broadmore.

"Are you going to dance with Lord Broadmore at tonight's ball?" Lydia asks.

I nod slightly. "If he should ask."

"Lord Broadmore was asking about you at White's last night," Charles informs me.

"Was he?" I ask excitedly.

"Ruth, I think you are complicating matters so," Lydia tells me.

"In what way?" I question.

She smiles at Charles. "You must simply marry the man who feels like your dearest friend."

"Oh that is very simple indeed, Lydia," I remark.

"Yes, quite," Lydia states.

Tonight is another ball. I do truly enjoy them. I know if I were to tell Eloise she would think me insane. The thought of desiring a husband is still strange to her. I know that I can desire a husband and a family and not have to stop learning. I may not be able to have a formal education, but I can read books and teach myself.

I dance with Lord Broadmore twice. I would so desire a third dance but anything more than two and we would be the talk of the ton. I like the idea of marrying Lord Broadmore, but I don't know that I would like the wedding to be in three days' time.

I dance with a few suitors here and there. Tonight, Lord Henry has managed to step on my foot only once. I am finally able to pry myself away from him and leave the dance floor.

"Ruth." Colin smiles as he walks towards me. "Not fond of dancing with Lord Henry?"

"He stepped on my foot," I tell him.

"Only once?" Colin teases.

"Yes, only once," I tell him.

"Better than last time," Colin says. "I feared he would have broken your foot and I would have to find your brothers and explain."

"The prince is from Prussia, and I dare say that I just caught his eye," I hear Prudence Featherington say.

Her and Philippa walk past Colin and me.

"I love Russia. I could swoon," Philippa remarks.

"They do not even know him," I state.

"They do not need to," Colin remarks. "He is a prince."

"Which means every young miss should want him," I remark.

"Surely you cannot be surprised. You know how this works," Colin states.

I chuckle. "I suppose you are right. The ton was a buzz when the duke arrived. I can only imagine a prince showing up would drive even more mamas and their daughters to do whatever they must to catch his eye." Colin smiles. "First Miss Cowper lowers her eyes.

Colin nods. "Mm."

"Oh, so demure. Now she will look up at him, ever so quickly, and then allow her fan to slowly sweep across her bosom before casting her eyes back upon the ground, for one is much too timid to ever meet His Royal Highness's piercing gaze, of course." I chuckle. "Oh, now he will kiss her hand."

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