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I rush down the hallway towards the staircase. My lady's maid, Martha, is barely able to keep up with me as she holds the train of my white dress. I almost trip on the first step.

"You must slow down, My Lady," Martha tells me.

I laugh lightly. "How can I possibly slow down on a day like this?"

Today is the day that I am to make my societal debut. All eyes will be on me as the sister of a Duke. Men will wish to marry me simply for the power and money they would stand to gain. Every other eligible miss will see me as competition because of the money and power my brother possesses.

I am still smiling as I reach the bottom of the staircase. Standing there is my older brother the Duke of Somerset but since he is my brother, I am allowed to call him by his Christian name, Charles. Beside him is his bride of a little over a year, Lydia. They met at the first ball of the season last year and according to both of them it was love at first sight. Since then, they have welcomed their son, Percy, into the world.

If all of that were not enough of a whirlwind for our family our father passed not a month after Charles and Lydia were married. Charles found himself the new Duke of Somerset. For what it is worth Lydia has stepped up wonderfully in her new role as the Duchess. Beside them is my other older brother, Peter. I am surprised to see him since he no longer lives at home having taken up residence in his own bachelor apartment.

"It only took you long enough," Peter remarks.

"You look beautiful," Lydia tells me.

I smile. "Thank you, Lydia. I do not think I would be able to do this without you."

"Not unless you wanted Great Aunt Martha to be your sponsor," Charles remarks.

Lydia hits him in the arm. "Leave your sister be.

"We must make haste," Charles tells us. "Dear Ruth has spent all morning on her appearance and will no doubt make us late."

As my family leaves our home, I spot the Bridgertons and Featheringtons leaving theirs as well. Our three family's live next-door to one another. Penelope Featherington and Eloise Bridgerton are my dearest friends. I fear I would not have made it through the past year without them. I have known them since before I had even started to form memories. Penelope is making her debut alongside me this year. Eloise has convinced her mother, Lady Bridgerton, to delay her debut one more year so she can finish her schooling. Something my father approved of before his untimely passing.

I cannot help but notice the third oldest Bridgerton son, Colin. I dare not tell a soul but to me Colin is one of the most handsome men I have ever laid eyes on. I have felt that way since I was thirteen and started to see every boy as a possible suitor of mine once I came of age. My problem lies in the fact that Penelope is in love with Colin. She has never said as much but I have seen her staring at him longingly. I would never dare to ruin our friendship over a man.

At the castle every young girl being presented to Her Majesty is shown into one rather small room.

The Featheringtons are in front of the oldest Bridgerton girl, Daphne, and her Mama. I stand behind them. Even though I have been preparing for this day my entire life I can feel my nerves starting to get the best of me. I try to take a deep breath.

"Do not be nervous," Lydia tells me. "You have nothing to worry about."

"I know." I nod my head slightly. "I should not be surprised if I have proposals by the end of the week."

Lydia laughs lightly. "Very confident, Ruth."

"No," I tell her. "Realistic. I am the sister of a duke. Men will seek the connections. The dowry."

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