Chapter 17: All's alright In the end

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    "Meggy!" Yelled a voice.
"Ahh!" Squealed Meggy, who felt like she woke up from a dream.
"Thank'a god, you scared Mario for a minute." Said Mario, which turned out to be him yelling for her name.
"Oh. Sorry Mario, I might have zoned out for a bit." She said, apologetically. 
Meggy then re-adjusted her seating position, and leaned her head against the wall. Mario still looked at her, waiting for her to say something.
"So... are you gonna answer Mario's question?"
 "What question?"
"You know... why you're so'a mean to me?"
"Oh that..." Meggy sighed before she could start explaining, "I don't know Mario," She started, "I don't know what I'm doing with my life! I was blamed for something that I didn't do! I was told to grow up, and think about my life choices... Which I've actually didn't know what they meant, but still it wasn't my fault! I was just teaching some kids how to do turf wars!... Anyway's I walked down the road back to my apartment till I came across the flyer to go to Omina Academy. I read the flyer, telling me it would help me change my life! Well It did helped me, but not in the way I thought it would... As I looked at the flyer, I thought to myself 'If I really wanted to do this... ' I made up my decision to go, but... I had to make a sacrifice. And so, I started to get rid of things that That doesn't make me look... Mature. I threw away my One Shot Wren action figure, which I regret doing, comic books I used to collect and read, all of it... While cleaning things out, I ran to a picture... a picture of us... A-and, And I didn't knew how much it meant to me as I just took a moment to admire it... But that voice, that stupid, STUPID voice in my head keeps telling me to get rid of it! I didn't wanted to, but It just WON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" 
Meggy began to sob uncontrollably. water were pouring out of her eyes like they're water falls. She tried to pull herself together but couldn't, she felt like everything she'd done was morally wrong. She knew to herself that this is not the person she wanted to be! A person who forced themselves to changed and tried to act mature but with the cause of losing the once care free personality of what she used to be. Now here she is, crying, next to a plumber whose her 'Best friend' with an IQ of a gold fish, and always getting mad at him over the simplest thing! 
Mario, however, couldn't bare to witness her crying. Something inside of him fells like he must do something, but doesn't know how to put it. So he puts his hands on Meggy's shoulder, calming her down a bit, and tries to think of something to say.
"Ay... You know, sometimes change is'a hard thing for all of us." He said to her.
Meggy wiped of the tear's out of her eyes, "Really?" She said.
"Why'a yes! Sometimes people remain the same, but they'a will change as time fly'sa by. It's what'a my brother Luigi told me, 'Pasta or without pasta, the noodle's will remain noodle's...' Mmm, pasta, yummy."
Meggy laughed from his witty remarks, making her happily change mood.
"Oh Mario," She said, hitting his arm, "You never changed a bit!"
"Ay, Mario maybe dumb, but I can be smart too!"
"Yeah right red!"
Right before Mario was about to say something else, he got distracted by the movie.
"Ooh! I wounder what'll happen next!" He said excitedly.
Meggy laughed again, quietly, She rested back down to her seat as Auri returned with food.
"Can you believe it!" Cried Auri, "25 tullies for each hot dog! Unbelievable!" He angrily said, giving Meggy, and Mario their hot dog's,
"So, what did I missed?"
"Nothing much." Said Meggy, as she looked back at Mario, gulping the entire hot dog in a second, "Nothing much."
Auri sat back to his seat, enjoying his hot dog while watching the movie. Everyone was relax... for about a second. Unknowingly, shadow's we're towering them, covering their view from the movie. Mario got the eerie nerve to look back as he noticed the shadow's. He looked back, and screamed in fear! 
"Meggy, Auri!" He cried to them, making them turned their backs, and jumped in unexpected shock! The shadow's towering them were non other than Froy, Doy, Tig Tig, and the Teletubbies again! 
"Well, well, well! We've finally got you 3!" Both said Froy & Doy.
"Tig Tig, Tubby's! after them!" Screamingly Ordered Froy.
Both Tig Tig and the Teletubbie's jumped towards the trio, not having them the chance to even escape! They took cover, accepting their fates, until... nothing happened. They were confused at first, till they heard both Froy & Doy screaming from the top of their lungs.
"TIG TIIIIIIIG!" They cried.
The trio looked over them and were in shock that the Teletubbie's and even Tig Tig were crushed by a out of nowhere avalanche of brick's! Just then, the short construction worker from before, ran down the stair's from one of the unfinished building's.
"By golly, is everyone okay!" He fearfully asked. "
...Yeah, thanks." Said Meggy, still in utter shock of what she just witnessed.
"Well that's great! nobody was hurt!" He said, and walked away as if nothing happened.
Mario jumped onto the pile's of bricks, and managed to pull out Tig Tig, and all 4 Teletubbie's out of the pile with ease. Auri walked toward's both Froy & Doy, and put's them in hand cuff's.
"You're all being arrested for attempted murder!" He said to them, "Now let's all take you to jail once and for all!

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