Chapter 8: Mario 00'7

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    Later that same day, Auri crafted up disguise's for both Meggy and Mario. It took him awhile to make, but as soon as he finished it, he gave them their disguise. Meggy's disguise looks liked a jazzy bartender from the 90s, sporting a red vest with white lining, along with a yellow undershirt, and some tan pants, she also sported a mini top hat with a bow tied around it, and it's tilted a bit to make it look cute, which Meggy wasn't a fan of.
"I'm already hating this." She said, regretfully. 
Mario's disguise however, is not like any other, he looked like a magician, with a tall, wacky top hat that's red with a white stripe around it, he also sported a wicked black cape, and wearing a red tuxedo with a yellow undershirt as well.
"Oooh! I'ma wizard!" He said in an excited tone.
"Alright guys!" Said Auri, "Are you all ready to take those rainbow'd aliens into custody!?"
"Hell yeah!" They both cheered.
Just then, Whisk came back, but this time she was in a completely different outfit than the one before. She wore a black latex suit with a cat faced imprinted on to it. She had a black belt with holsters around her waist, and it had a lock that's shaped like a cat, how fitting. She also wore black latex gloves as well, along with her black latex boots to top it all of.
"Hopefully you're all prepared." She said, "Do you all remembered the plan?" She added.
"Uh, no." Said Mario.
 "Jesus Christ Mario! We've been through this 12 times!" She yelled at him with irritation.
"Hey! It'sa not my fault your boring plan puts'a Mario to sleep!"
"Ugh, listen here NICE and carefully. You! distract those rainbow aliens. Meggy, will keep eye on where they're going. I Will be hidden in the vents till the time is right to capture them from behind. Do you got that!"
"Ooh... Yes."
"Alright then."
Whisk then took out some mini headsets to everyone.
"Here, take these mini headset's so we can all communicate to each other from afar." She Explained, "Now come on, lets go catch those mugs!"
Couple of hours has passed, Meggy, Mario, and Whisk sneaked from the back exit of The Crazy Coconut Theater. They had to do some 'extreme' measures to get the door to open however. They've entered on what seem's to be a storage room, a set of stair's were visible right in front of them, there was also a decent sized vent that Whisk took off, and got inside.
"Ready?" Asked Whisk.
"Ready." Replied both Meggy and Mario, and both of them went up the stairs, as Whisk crawled through the vents.
As soon as both Mario and Meggy got up to the casino side of Coconut Theater, they then split way's to their proper position's. Meggy started to actually work as the waitress in the bar area, listing orders and bringing the drinks to the customers. Mario signed up on being the host of the midnight show, performing magic tricks for the audience, he had to sit backstage till his name was called. Whisk however still crawled through the vents, It was very cramped so she had to slither stiffly and slowly.  As for Auri, he was at the police station, hacking through the cameras of the whole Crazy Coconut theater, with FLUDD as his assistant. Auri then turned on his mini headset, and started to test it out to see if it works.
"Testing 1, 2. 1, 2!" He said through the mic, the radio frequency has gone through the others on their headset's, 
"Dark Cat, calling in, over!" Said Whisk onto her mini microphone.
"This is Jazz Bean, hearing you loud and clear!" Also said Meggy.
"...Pingas." Lastly said Mario.
"Alright guys," Auri started again, "I have successfully hacked through the cameras of the entire place... With the help of Fludd's of course." 
"Glad to be of assistant." FLUDD said.
In Mario's side, he suddenly started to hear some noises coming from the other side of the wall. He walked up close to it, and placed his ear against it, hearing a conversation.
"Eh-ohhh." Whispered a group of child like voice's.
"Hmm yes, nice work little tubby folks." Said another voice, which sounded similar to Mario, but much deeper and a thicker Italian accent.
"Yes, yes, very nice work." Said another voice that was much higher than Mario's brother, Luigi yet with that thick accent they have.
"Hurray!" Cheered the child like voices, as if the ice cream truck has came by.
"Now go on, go get more things for us."
Mario took a step back, and contacted Whisk, Auri, and Meggy on the headset.
"Mario hear's voices in the walls!" He said to them.
"Voices in the walls?" Asked Whisk, "Like what."
"Im'a not so sure, but I hear two voices of that sounds just'a like me and my brother."
"You and your brother?"
"Yeah, and also other voices that sound just like rats!"
"Uh, Thanks red for the heads up?" Said Meggy in confusion.
"Copy that Spaghetti Man!" Replied Auri, who was also paying attention to the conversation. "Whatever, just stick to the plan, don't get distracted!" Added Whisk, and continued crawling through the vents.
On ground level in the middle section of the casino area, Meggy was taking the tray of empty drinks back to the kitchen as she walked through the gambling machine's. As she walked, she unexpectedly came across same 4 colored aliens from before! All playing together in the Roulette section of the area! She quickly hid behind one of the jack pot machines, and bring's the mini microphone closer towards her.
"The enemy has been spotted." She warned the others.
"Where are they at Jazz Bean?" Asked Whisk.
"In the roulette section of the casino," She whispered, "What do I do? "
"Get closer to them and listen to what they have to say. Lets not screw up!" 
Meggy then puts the tray of empty drinks on an empty table, she then sneaked pass more jack pot machines till she was at an enough range to ease drop on them.
"This is all comin' together fellas." Said the purple alien with an triangle antenna, whose name was Tinky Winky.
"Yeah!" Said the green one, named Dipsy, "Once the boss see's this, he'll sure to give us a raise!" "Damn right he will! He'll say what a good group we are!" Said another, colored yellow and named Laa-Laaa.
"Tubby Custard!" Cheered the last one, whose tubby and named Po.
All four of them started to place their bets on the roulette. As Meggy backed away a little, she felt something blocking her back, she turned around to look what's blocking her way. It was an overweight Bartender that hired her for the job, and he was not happy with her.
"Stop fooling around!" He yelled at her with a dry voice, "And Take these root beers to table 5!" 
"Uh, yes sir!" Said the frighten Meggy, and did what she was told.
"God dang it!" Yelled Laa-Laa.
"This game is rigged!" raged Po.
"Haha, its all luck fellas." Said Dipsy.
Tinky Winky lighting up his cigarette before he could say something, "Say, they doin' another one of those magic show's in a couple minutes, how about we go check it out." He suggested. "Yaaaaay!" Cheered the 3, and they all left off to the theater room.
Meggy noticed it as she puts the root beers on the table she was at.
"Yikes!" she blurted out, accidentally dropping one of the drinks floor.
"Ay! our root beers!" Said the angry red aura bora.
"Sorry sir, I'll go get you another one!" She said, and ran off behind the machine again, and called Auri, Mario, and Whisk.
"Guys! they're going to the theater room 4 o'clock!" 
"4 o'clock? its 7:35!" Cried Mario.
"He's got a point though." Added Auri.
"It's a figure of speech dummies." Whisk said in an annoyed tone in her voice.
"No time to argue!" Said Meggy, we gotta catch them an-" She then accidentally bumped in by the same overweight bartender again.
"Now where do you think your going chump!" He Angrily ask.
"Uh, break time?" Lied Meggy. The bartender then pulled Meggy by the nose, dragged her into the kitchen, and threw her in the sink!
"Now make sure those cocktail glass are sparkly clean!" He screamed on the top of his lung, and slammed the door lock.
"Crap." Said Meggy, "You guys are on your own, I'm locked against my own will." She spoke through the headset.
"Greaaaaat..." Whisk said sarcastically, "Now the original plan is going down hill."
A voice was heard through Mario's side, "Mr. Mario, your show is up in 15 seconds." 
"Eep!" Fearfully said Mario, "I'ma going on stage now, see you guys in a jiffy!" He said through the mini mic.
"Don't let them get out of your sight!" said Whisk.
So Mario walked to the center of the stage, and prepared himself before the curtain's open's up. "Okay..." He said, "Here goes'a nothing..." He was feeling unconfident of his doing, but he knows for sure he was doing for whats right.
Meanwhile, the colored aliens found themselves seats in the left corner of the back row so they can see the full view.
"Can't wait for this show to start!" LaLa said, excitingly.
"Yeah well don't get yourself too excited, you'll hurt yourself." Said Tinky Winky, who was the last to sit down.
All of a sudden, the lights dimmed dark, and the show lights turned on in the middle of the curtains unannounced.
"Ladies and Gentlemen." Said an announcer, "Boy's and Girls, The Crazy Coconut Theater Presents you, the one, the Only, The Great Mario!"
The crowd cheered loudly, and clapped as the curtain's open for Mario's entry. "The Great Mario? Seriously!" Yelled Meggy through the mini microphone. 
"stick with the plan Meggy," Said Auri, "just let it go with the flow."
Out of nowhere, Auri spotted two shadow figures coming from one of the hallway cameras. He focused his attention on that specific camera to see what it was.
Their physical bodies could barley be seen, one of them was short and fat, and the other tall and skinny. They're both wearing basically the same outfits, wearing red tuxedo's and black pants, along with comically tall top hats. They also had a Tiger with them walking by their side.
"Say, aren't those the The Maloy brothers?" Auri said through the headset.
Whisk paused her crawling from what she heard from Auri, "Oh no, not them again!" She said, hesitantly "If they notice its us again, were over!" 
"Not if Mario distracts them with his magic tricks!" Meggy reassured her.
"Alright Mario, do your thing!" Auri ordered.
And so, Mario quickly started on his show, displaying works of his magic. He did some disappearing and reappearing on his thumb, he made fire works shoot out from his hat, and he also did some sick levitation skills on stage as he Sonic The Hedgehog styled his flying flips. The audience were astonished by his performance, they all 'wowed' in a amaze of what he was doing. Everyone clapped as he went on with the show, all except for the colored aliens, who obviously remember knew who he was.
"Whats he doing here?" Angrily Said Dipsy.
"I don't know." Said Po, "But his tricks are amazing!" She added with excitement in her voice. The others just shrug and continued to watch The Great Mario do his tricks.
Meanwhile, Whisk was slowly descending from the top ventilation in the theater's hallway. She unbuckled the belt that was tied up in the vents, and landed on her feet safely. Suddenly, she heard a noise coming from the left side of the hall! She quickly ran inside the door behind her, which leads to the janitor closet. The Maloy Brothers and Their pet Tiger came in from the left side of the hall.
"Do you'a hear something Doy?" Asked the Short Maloy brother.
"Ah your just'a hearing things again Froy. Typical." replied the tall Maloy brother, "Come on, we gotta see what's that mustachio mans secrets so we can take it for our own good!" He Added. Froy was still very suspicious, but followed his brother into the main Theater anyways. Whisk then came out from the janitors closet, with a bucket on her head.
"Rats, that was close." She said, and took a quick breather as she took off the bucket.
"Mario!" She said to him into the headset, "Keep up the distraction, I'm going in!"
"Okie dokie!" He responded, and continued to make more magic tricks!
Meanwhile, Meggy has finished up cleaning the cocktail glass in the kitchen.
"Okay guys, I'm Going back in!" She said over the headset, and exited the kitchen, "Boss, I'm going on break now!" She told the overweight bartender, who was sleeping on the job.
Back with Mario, he was doing a magnificent job on doing the distraction, making sure that the colored aliens are still in place, and doing magic so he wouldn't seem suspicious.
"Oh boy!" Said Laa-Laa in surprise, "I didn't know he can do that!"
"Shush." Hushed Dipsy, "This is getting good!"
Froy and Doy and along with their pet tiger entered the room, and took one of the seats in the theater. Meggy and Whisk came in after at the same time.
"Uh oh, They're here!" Said Meggy, worryingly.
"Don't worry, I got this one." Whisk said with confidence, and sneaked under one of the seats. Meggy quickly hid behind one of the pillars and witness.
"So here's the plan." Whisk whispered to Meggy on the headset as she crawled through, "I will gas them, you will make sure nothing goes wrong back there." She explained.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Meggy asked unsure of the plan.
"Girl, I've done this many times! I'm sure this will work." 
Whisk quickly got out to the other side, she then gave Meggy a thumbs up from a far. She was only a few row's away from the aliens. So she took out her gas bomb, and slowly tip toed to them. Mario saw Whisk sneaking up on them, and so he tried his best to keep them more distracted!
His next trick, he took out a fire flower, he then puts some extra hot sauce on it, and he swallowed it hole, without getting his tongue burnt! All of the audience clapped.
"Thanks'a you very much, Tha- AHOWW!"
Mario has all of a sudden gotten a stomach ache from eating that extra spicy Fire Flower. "Mario's stomach is'a feeling'a funny." And it sure was.
He was feeling the pain that's within him, making some bad noises. All of a sudden, Mario started to burp out fire balls! It was fine at first for awhile, but it started to worsen as he started to burp out more, uncontrollably! He was like a human flame thrower, the flames of fire hit the crowd, setting them into a blaze! The fire also hit Whisk's mask, and it turned into ashes in seconds!
The crowd were going wild for his trick, even the Maloy brothers jaws were hanging.
"My mask!" Loudly freaked out Whisk.
Her screams caught the attention of not only the 4 colored aliens, but also the Maloy brothers and their tiger!
"Uh, mewo?" Whisk nervously said.
"You again!" Doy yelled.
"Tig Tig!" Said Froy to his pet Tiger, "get'a her!" He ordered, pointing at Whisk.
Tig Tig, the pet tiger, then looked menacingly into Whisk's eyes, and charged straight forward at her!
"Oh no!" Yelled out Meggy, and quickly ran up, and pushed Tig Tig out of the way so they won't attack Whisk.
Whisk got herself up from her feet, and hid away behind the pillars.
 "Uh-ohhhhh!" Said the 4 colored aliens in fear.
"You dare show'a your face here again!" Yelled Doy, "You must die!" He added, in a psychopathic manner.
"Tig Tig! Charge!" Froy Ordered again, this time pointing his fingers at Meggy!
Tig Tig followed his order and charged at the helpless Meggy. Mario saw this, and used another of his tricks.
"Ay power of Satan compels you!" He said. Mario, somehow summoned in the devil himself out from the floor at where they were, and scared Tig Tig away from Meggy.
It then disappeared after a few seconds. Mario then jumped off the stage and run towards Meggy.
"Meggy!" He said, "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." She said, catching her breath.
 Froy & Doy then walked up to them both.
"You dare scare our'a little Tig Tig!" Angrily said Froy.
"We shall make'a you both disappear!" Then screamed Doy.
"Not till Mario do it first!" Stood up Mario, and dropped a smoke bomb at them, blinding them so they have a chance to run away! 
"Where did'a all the light's go!" Asked Doy, furiously, rubbing his eyes.
"Tubbies!" Ordered Froy to them, they all got up one by one, "Find them!" He yelled. 
They all scrambled to find Mario, Meggy in seperate ways. 
Meanwhile, behind the pillars, Whisk was still hiding behind it, covering her face with her hands. Mario and Meggy then ran up next to her.
"Come on Whisk!" Cried Meggy, "We have to get out of here!"
"I-I can't" Stuttered Whisk, "I can't go out without my mask!" 
"Aw come on already!" Angirly said Mario, and puts a bucket over Whisk's head, and picked her up.
"Here we GAOOOOOOOH!" Yelled Mario, and started running towards the exit, carrying both Meggy, and Whisk.
"Wait! what about them!" Quickly asked Meggy.
"We'll get them next time." Said Auri on the headset, "we're already in trouble!" 
Mario still kept on running towards the exit, but they were suddenly stopped by the Froy, Doy, Tig Tig, and the Teletubbies.
"You ain'ta going no where..." Said Doy. They all circled around them, not letting a single exit spot for them to escape.
"Great, now what?" Said Meggy. Mario, without saying a word, thought an idea, and made another disappearing trick before they all dog piled straight at them. They we're able to succeed with the trick as they magically appeared back at the new prison with Auri still sitting while at the security cameras.
"That didn't went as plan." Auri painfully Said.
"You can say that again." Whisk added, Disappointingly, she then removes the bucket out from her head, and put on a new mask.
"Boy, oh boy." Mario said in a tired tone, "Thats'a to much for me."
"But what are we going to do about them now? Meggy asked again, "From what I heard, one of those aliens said they'll hope to get a raise from this boss of theirs." She explained.
 "A boss you say?" Said Auri, "Well that doesn't really mean anything tho." 
Whisk then started walk out the back door.
"Catch ya later guys," She said, "I'm out of here."
"Where are you going?" Meggy asked furiously.
"Nowhere," She responded, "I got better things to do besides from this." And she left out, without saying anything else.
"Wow what an asshole!" Said Mario, followed by a slap in the face by Meggy.
"You idiot!" She screamed at him, "We were this close on getting those guys, but your dumb trick failed us miserably!"
"Ay! I was'a trying my best ere trying to distract them! It's not my fault she got caught in the fire!"
Both Mario and Meggy started to argue, overlapping each others sentences, and not understanding on what they're saying to each other.
 Auri attempted to push them away from each other, but it was no use. Both Mario and Meggy's argument we're getting heated up like a deep fryer.
Then out of nowhere, the front door was burst wide open, and a voice was heard booming through, stopping their argument.
"AURI!" Yelled an old voice.
The 3 turned to back to see it was that eerie judge again, Judge Sinis, and he was very furious. Auri gulped for whats coming to him.
"Y-Yes sir?" He stuttered.
The Judge walked inside slowly, and slammed the newspaper on the table.
"Mind explaining this?" He said angrily.
Auri then looked at the paper, and read the head line, "Mustachioed magician burst the theater into flames!" and It also showed a picture of Mario, burping out the flames at the crowds.
"I-I can explain sir!" Auri stuttered again, but the angry judge wasn't having any of it,
"If I see that mad man out of his cage once more you'll see whats coming out of!" He yelled aggressively.
"Yes sir..." Sadly said Auri. Judge Sinis then just walked out, staring at Mario and Meggy coldly. Once he walked out, he then slammed the door hard, shaking the entire prison.
Everyone went silent, unsure of what to say next. 
"Auri... Are you okay?" She asked to him.
"Yeah...I'm fine." He responded, holding his tears in. "...Just go back to my house, I have some stuff to do."
"Okay... Come on Mario, I'll have to put you back to your cell."
"Okie Dokie..."
And so, Mario and Meggy left Auri in the prison, and went inside his house. She made sure Mario was locked up in his cell, and then the two laid down on their separate beds, and trying to find sleep. Tomorrow is another day...

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