Chapter 9: Shadow's

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    The next morning, Auri sent Mario to community service again with FLUDD, and he and Meggy sat nearby at a table inspecting him, while drinking soda pops they bought from the convenience store. Meggy notices how Auri isn't looking so good, he seems to have sleep deprived after what happened last night with Judge Sinis. She was pretty concerned for him.
"So... Is Everything alright Auri?" She said to him.
But Auri didn't answered at all, he was barely even awake. "Auri?" She said a little loudly, this time, which managed to startled him wide awake.
"Wah! I'm awake!" He squealed, his eye's were unable to keep open for just a second.
"I said is everything alright?" Meggy asked again.
"Oh, uh... yeah! Everything is alright..." He said, as he drank his soda pop, "Just over night work at the prison house, that's all."
Meggy was skeptical from the tone of his voice, being less cheerful than he usually was, but she went along with it anyways.
"Also." Auri said again, "During my night shift, I came up with a theory during yesterday's heist"
"Really?" Meggy said in surprise. "What's it about?" 
"I've come to an assumption, that maybe The Maloy brothers are the one's running this entire operation!" 
"...I'm listening."
"So you see, what we heard from Mario's side, The Maloy Brothers that were very proud of those guy's work, and the last time we saw them is when they robbed that poor lady's hand bag! And when the Maloy brothers encounter you guys, They pulled up all forces to stop you from escaping! It has to be them, I know it was them!"
After what Meggy heard from his theory, she was very convinced from his speculation
"Hm, maybe your right." She said, "They were pretty mad at us for returning."
"I know right?" Added Auri, "Last time we've been their it's when we're searching for more of those people in that criminal group. Whisk almost got killed by Tig Tig when she tripped!"
"Wow, now I understand why she didn't want to go back." Meggy then took her final sip from her soda, and threw it in the bin.
"Anyways, where's Mario, you said you were gong to be supervise him." Asked Meggy.
"Wait... I thought you wanted to supervise him." Auri replied back.
The two quickly got up from their chairs and searched around to see where Mario has gone off to.
"Oh no!" Yelled a fearful Meggy, "He could've gone that far! If the mayor see if he's out on the streets again, who know's what's he gonna do to him!" She started to panic, turning her head left and right  anxiously to see where Mario had ran off to.
"Oh there he is!" Auri said, pointing to a sketchy ally way. 
"Mario!" Cried Meggy in relief, and ran straight towards the ally as Auri followed from behind. The ally they entered in was dark and cramped, there was not a lot of room to move on. Mario was staring away from them, and he looked menacingly within the shadows.
"Mario!" Meggy yelled, "What did I told you about running... off." Meggy slowed down to a hault, as she looked at the mustachioed plumber, "Mario?" She said to him again.
Mario unsettlingly turned around to face at them. For some reason, Mario had red glowing eyes, and holding a paint brush with yellowish orange paint on the hairs of it. He was also see through, like a kind of a blue, watery shadowy. Auri finally caught up next to Meggy.
"Is everything alright?" He asked, he too then looked up at the Shadowed Mario, and gasped in fear.
 It started to grin at them, showing its huge 'friendly' smile at them. Meggy and Auri started to back away of from the horror of this thing.
"...Run." Quietly whispered Meggy to Auri.
"What?" Auri whispered back to her.
"I said RUN!
The  both started running away from the Shadow Mario as fast as they can! Frighteningly, the Shadow Mario started chasing them, and even catching up to them with ease! Meggy and Auri we're running for their lives that are on risk, they don't know what they have stumbled upon or know why it looked exactly like Mario to begin with. Meggy was especially terrified, she thought that Shadow version of Mario was just a dream, or figment of her imagination, but turns out that it was a real being! All of a sudden, Meggy tripped on an uneven brick that was poking out from the floor! She scraped her knee as she fell down to the ground. Auri gasped frightfully to see her fall down, and ran back to her to get her back up.
"Meggy!" He yelled, But it was too late for him to save her in time.
The Shadowed Mario went up to the injured Meggy, kidnapped her, and ran away with her! "Auri!" She Screamed "Help me!"
"HEY! STAHP RIGHT THERE!" He yelled to the shadow, and just like that, he began chasing them down. 
They exited the ally and found themselves in the middle of the busy streets. the Shadow Mario ran through the citizens! Most of them were able to move out of the way to avoid being crushed by them.
"Excuse me!" He Said, "Sheirff coming through!"
They all moved out the way to let him pass. Due to the Shadow Mario being unreasonably fast, he was unable to catch up to them.
"Let me go you monster!"Meggy Screamed to the sentient Shadow, "You must be the one who really put us through this mess!" She added, angrily.
But the shadow just ignored her as it still continues running through the streets. Coincidentally, they stumbled upon the real Mario, who was cleaning  off the graffiti from from the wall.
"Mama Mia..." He sighed, still spraying it with water.
It took him like 3 or more spray's to actually get the graffiti off.
FLUDD notices something coming from the distant.
"Mario, look out." They said to him.
"Hm?" Mario said, and turned his back to see that the Shadow version of himself running towards him while carrying Meggy on his back!
They zoomed passed him, making him spin out in the process.
"Oh! MAMA!" Yelled Mario, getting dizzy from being spin around that quickly.
After that, Auri came up to him, breathing heavily from running so much. He fell to the floor from being exhausted from the running. He saw the Shadow Mario, carrying Meggy running away from the distance, disappearing after.
"No..." He cried, "NOOOOOOOOOO! I let it get away, and its all my fault!" His eye's instantly became watery, and started sobbing on how bad he failed trying to save Meggy.
Mario was in complete distraught from what he had witnessed, he was not just upset, but filled with rage as! His eyes we're filled with flames, that it made him transform himself into a human car, and drove up the Auri.
"Ay Hop in!" He said to him, "We're getting that mother fucker!"
So Auri quickly jumped on to him, and together they speed through down town of Port Aurora to catch up to the Shadow Mario and save Meggy!
Meanwhile The Shadow Mario, still carrying Meggy, found themselves at a dead end, with nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.
"Defeated now asshole?" Said Meggy, who was getting bored as being a damsel in distress.
But that shadow, still had some tricks up in its sleeves. It took out that paint brush it had, and draw a portal like graffiti with it. It soon came alive as it gooey paint textures started moving like waves.
Suddenly, Meggy heard vrooming noises coming from the distance, she looked up and was excited to see that it was Mario the car and Auri big boots coming to save her!
"Mario! Auri!" She yelled.
The Shadow Mario then quickly looked around and saw them too. They were creeping up at them, in high speed, ready to beat his ass. He blew a raspberry at them, and jumped inside the portal it drew taking Meggy along with it, disappearing into another dimension!
Mario screeched into a complete stop at the graffiti portal.
"Oh no! We're to late!" Cried Auri. "What are we gonna do Mario!" He then asked.
Mario, turning back into his regular self, then puts his palm against the graffiti, seeing that its now rock hard like a wall should be.
"Try spraying water onto it." Said FLUDD, and so he did.
After one spray of water onto the grafiti, it then started to change it's shape, It wasn't coming off like all the other graffiti he had to take down, he continued to spray more water onto it, till it then started to become all wavy.
It unexpectedly all started to suck Mario and Auri right inside of it!
"WAH!" They both screamed, and tried to run away from it!
The sucktion from the portal was to hard to even run.
"Hang on!" Mario said to Auri, as he gave him his hand.
Auri Grabbed on tightly, and together they got sucked right through the graffiti portal, entering to another dimension where both the Shadow Mario and Meggy went through! They started to fall down as they see a streaming waves of purple colors speeding pass them.
"What is this place!" Asked the creaming Auri.
"Mario doesn't know! but this'a what happens when I jump through'a paintings!"
They were almost at the end of the bright white light of nothingness.
"Hold on tight!" Mario yelled.
And as they know it, they have finally came out from the other side. They have found themselves somewhere in a sewers like place. Everything was colored brown as if it was filled with diarrhea, and as a matter of fact it is! everything was filled with shit! From the wall to the floor, to even the entire sky box!
"Mama Mia." Said a dizzy Mario, getting back up.
"Uh, where are we at?" Auri asked again, "And why does it smell like legit poo!"
"Well whataev'a this'a is." Said Mario, "This won't stop us from saving Meggy, right!"
"Right!" Said Auri, "For Meggy!"
"For Meggy!" 
And so, the two, including FLUDD, started to walk through the crap sewers, in the search for Meggy.

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