Chapter 16: In need of change

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    It was just like any other day in Inkopolis. Freshest of fresh Inkling's cover the plaza, checking in on store shops or just hanging around with their friends. Nothing much happens around here besides from Turf Wars, which were off for the season. A young Meggy Spletzer, came down walking the streets of Inkopolis, smiling like there's no care in the world. She too knew nothing much happens around here either, she just kept on walking until she finds something interesting to do around here. Out of nowhere, everyone in Inkopolis felt a hard rumbling  coming from the other side of the border wall! They all ran up and climbed over the wall, They all saw something big coming from the distant. It was a wave of colorful trucks, carrying things that looked like parts meant to be put together to make something big! 
Whatever it they were coming close for, it triggered something inside of everyone.
"IT'S THE GREAT TURF WAR II!" Yelled an Inkling, causing the rest to start panicking, and ran in to grab their weapons! Meggy on the other hand didn't panicked n'or grabbed her weapon. She just inspected the colored trucks getting closer, and closer. Meggy was intrigued, and moved closer to the edge of the wall.
There, she saw the truck's combining together, connecting the pieces they had, and building something huge. As soon as they connected a bright beam of colorful light shined bright. Meggy was very amazed of what she was seeing! It was something she'd had seen before from outside of Inkopolis. 
Once the Inkling's came out with their weapons, and jumped back up to the border wall, their jaw drops as well with their weapons. Their eye's grew bigger with fascination, they have all forgot what they we're gonna do to them.
Everyone, including Meggy jumped over the wall, and walked towards the colorful beam of light. When they got neared, they were all in awe.
It was a carnival! With rollercoaster's with loop de loops, Shooting range's, and ring toss. And so, so much more within! Everyone cheered, and ran towards the entrance! They all got their tickets, and rushed through every carnival game's and ride's they have.
"This is going to be fun!" Meggy excitingly said to herself.
Once inside, she rushed to one of her favorite carnival games, 'Shoot The Target's.' Meggy played that game for hours till they ran out of prizes. She played more games similar to those like, Shooting water into the hole, shoot the flying ducks, and so much more till there's not anymore prizes left for everyone. She was having the times of her life here!
Once the afternoon came, half of the Inklings left for home while other stayed.
Meggy came out carrying a huge bag of prize's filled with literally everything! The bag was so huge that it made Santa's bag sack look like it's easy to carry. Soon enough, she walked back in inkopolis,  she then took the path that took her back to the apartments.
During her journey back home, she then spotted 4 young inkling's practicing Turf War from the same spot she and her friends practice at. The young Inkling's were splatting each other with their mini sized version of the splatter shot, usually missing their aim's or just blindingly aiming at nothing. Some of them nearly got a splat!
Watching them made Meggy think about the old time's when she was just a hotshot rookie, trying to be the best out of them all. Though she's retired, she sometime wounder's if she could ever down her pass legacy down to the next generation of young rookie's, Like being a mentor to them, A coach if you would say. 
"Hey! Is that Meggy Spletzer!" Wailed a voice that was coming from one of the young Inkling's at the practice arena. 
"Oh my woomy, that is Meggy Spletzer!" Wailed another.
All 4 young Inkling's ran up to Meggy, getting a sudden realization these were her fans! 
"Meggy, Meggy!" Praised one of them, "You were really awesome during your last Splatfest!"
"Do you think you can teach us some of your skills!" Said another. "Oh please tell us!" 
Feeling overwhelmed, but does not want to disappoint her young fans, she does what other famous people would do.
"If you guy's wanna be great in the field," She said, "You're gonna have to learn a few tricks!"
And so, Meggy taught the young Inkling's the way's of turf war's. She taught them the importance of maintaining their ink gauge, how to take control over turf's, Aiming, and much more. The young Inkling's were slowly getting the hang of it, they had a few slip up's here and there, but still, they're getting the hang of it as they done before. Once they learn the basic's, It was time for Meggy to test them on what they're capable on. She put 2 of them on one side, and the other 2 on the other.
"When I say go, you start splatting!" She said to them.
"Yes Meggy!" They replied
"Alright...On 3... 2... 1... GO!"
And just like that, the young Inkling's hurriedly rushed towards the middle as they splatted the floor with Ink. Everything was going fine as they splatted and ink each other, that is when they started going out of bounds the arena, and enter to the streets of Inkopolis!
"No wait! Stop!" Cried Meggy, as she sprinted fast as she can to get them back to the arena. When she exited and entered the streets, the once peaceful area, became an inky massacre!
The young Inklings were Ruthless, accidentally hurting the residents, and small business shops! Meggy tried to stop them, but they were chaotically fast to even catch! The rest of the residents of the area took notice, and saw how much of a mess they have caused! They all looked at Meggy, and the young Inkling's, and stared at them with hatred in their eye's. The young Inkling's kept on causing a ruckus till they noticed everyone were looking at them. Meggy caught on with them, and was alarmed when she too noticed everyone was looking straight at them. They looked around and saw how much of a mess they have made. It made them regret of their doing's, especially Meggy, who had no doing's but just coaching them.
"MY FUCKING STORE!" Screamed a voice, who was crying over his store, being all covered of Ink caused by them. 
The young Inkling's made a run for it, leaving Meggy behind! Meggy tried to leave, but was confronted by the Store Keeper.
"YOU!" He yelled, pointing at Meggy with flames in his eyes. "Uh, me?"
"I-Im sorry. It's that I was practicing with the kids, and it got carried away-"
"Carried away? CARRIED AWAY!? You should've known how to prevent this from happening!"
"But it wasn't my fault!" 
"I don't care! You need to grow up, and think about your life choice's!"
Meggy felt hurt from his comment, she didn't knew how to respond now. Without a word, she didn't hesitate on leaving the scene, and sadly returned to walking back to her apartment. It was a long and cold walk, she didn't even bother picking up her bag of prize's she left at the practice arena. All that was on her mind was that Store Keeper's hard felt comment.
"Growing up, and thinking about my life choices, what does he knows!" She said harshly to herself.
Unexpectedly, a piece of paper flew through her direction, and was slapped by it on the face! She then pulled the paper out from her face, and looked at it. It was not an ordinary paper, it was a flyer, a flyer to attend to a college of some sorts.
She then began to read it. "Wanting a change? Wanting to reach your dream goal? Well come on down, and be apart of Omnia Academy! We'll help you reach your destiny!"
Meggy was about to throw it away, thinking of it being useless. But she read the first sentence again.
"Wanting a change?"
She thought about the hard comment from earlier, and gasped in realization.
"This... Maybe this is what I needed!" She said to herself. She all of a sudden paused for a moment, as she thought about the harsh comment the Store Keeper said again.
"If I want do this... I-I have to make a sacrifice."
Meggy rushed all the way back to apartment, and once she finally got there, she got rid of thing's that made her "not grown up." She threw away her One Shot Wren action figure, her favorite comic book collection, Inkling plushies, and so on. She regretted doing this, but it was for her own cause. As she was throwing stuff away, she saw a picture of her and Mario on her desk. Looking at it made her reminisce of the good old time being with him, helping her when one of her team member's leg broke and taking their place, Being there when she was at her lowest point, and overall being the funniest best friend he was ever to her. But that harsh comment kept playing around with her mind, telling her to just do it.
"I'm Sorry red, but its for my own good." Instead of throwing the picture away, she just shoved it in one of the drawers, "Its time for me to change..."

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