Chapter 3: Whats new is old again

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    "Ah." Meggy said in a relaxed tone, breathing the fresh air, "It's nice to be back on land again."
"Ooooh." Said an amazed Mario, "They have a nice place here."
His eyes were zoning out from the distant, looking at all the stuff that Port Aurora has to offer. They have stands ranging from, Ice cream stands, flower stands, snack stands, and even a megaphone stand. They also had other and new places too like, clothing store, mini arcades, a meme mart, and much much more.
"Come on red," Said Meggy, "I have a friend here who'll give us a room for us to stay."
"Okay!" Mario replied.
The two grabbed their suitcases, and started walking down the path to the entrance of the main plaza. After just a few seconds of walking, Meggy heard that familiar voice screaming from the crowds of people.
"Meggy over here!" Yelled the voice. Meggy looked through the crowd of people, to find where that voice is coming from. There she saw an octopus hat jumping up and down, they were Round and blue, also small but almost look like they're nearly the same height as Mario's Elbow, and they also have somewhat a little bit of facial hair on them too.
"Meggy!" They coutinued screaming, "Its me!"
 Meggy was quick enough to recognize who it was.
"Auri!" Happily yelled Meggy, and she ran through the crowd with her suitcase, leaving Mario behind.
"Ah! wait for me!" He cried, and poorly tried catching up with Meggy through the crowd.
As soon as Meggy speed passed through the crowd of people, she wasn't hesitant to give Auri a big old hug.
"Auri!" She cried, "Its been so long!."
"Yeah!" Happily said Auri, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this day to happen!" He added. 
"Hows the work on being the official sheriff of town?"
"Its going great! We've actually built a new prison house next to my home so it could carry more baddy's in the cell!"
"Well that's great Auri!"
As Auri was about to say another word, Mario finally caught up to Meggy, although he all of a sudden looked beaten up. He somehow got a black eye, and was on fire. He then fell to the ground next to Meggy.
"I am ded." He muffled.
Meggy was in shock, "Mario?" She asked, "What the hell happened! What did you do!" Mario then proceeded to point at the crowd of people, who were all of a sudden now crazy for some odd reason. It turns out the boat they were on caught on fire, which explains why Mario was on fire. The boat slowly started to sink down right into the ocean, along with the sailors, and crew members on it. Mario then got back up on his feet, and shook off the pain away, making the black eye, and fire disappear.
"Say Meggy." Curiously asked Auri, "Whose the friend you brought along here?"
 "Oh! well where's my manners," Meggy said, embarrassingly. "Auri, this is Mario, my... Best friend from Mushroom Kingdom." She said, "Mario this is Auri."
Mario and Auri then looked at each other, eye to eye.
"Ooooh." Said Mario, taking a closer look at Auri, "Hello there, little toady." He greetingly, yet mistakenly said.
"Well hello too you to Mario!" Auri said joyfully, "And welcome to Port Aurora!"
"Yippe!" He cheered.
It didn't took long for Mario, and Auri to get along that quick, they were already fast friends!
After their short introduction, they left the docks, and walked near the entrance of the main plaza. Inside the main plaza, they saw that they're holding a mini carnival event, which made both Mario and Meggy excited with butterflies in their stomach's.
"Are you guys ready for the best days of your lives!" Auri excitingly said.
"You bet we are!" Responded Meggy with excitement as well.
"Mario is more than excited!" Added Mario, who was already getting hyper.
"Mario," Said Meggy again, "Remember what I told you?" 
"Oh yeah, best'a behavior..." 
"Well as official sheriff," Said Auri, "We can have an insane number of fun how much we want!"
"Hurray!" Both cheered Mario and Meggy.
The three newly grouped friends went to the main plaza, and played the rides and games they offered here at the mini carnival. The carnival, had some decent games like Bobbing for apples, Canned knockdown, Ring Toss, Balloon blast, and the most popular, bumper cars. The three first went to Ring Toss, which was giving out a big prize to those who could land the most rings.
Auri was first to play, He used his technique's to land the rings onto the rotating plastic sticks. He was able to make some rings land, but wasn't enough to win the reward. However he was given a mini box, which opened inside was a bouncy small ball, Which made Auri feel good about himself.
Meggy was up next, and she did way better than Auri, landing almost every ring onto the plastic sticks. She could have won, if only that the rotation of the plastic sticks weren't so rigged, changing directions quickly every single time. Meggy was pissed, but took the mini box with gratitude. She was given a Yo-yo which wasn't so bad in her opinion.
Then it was Mario's turn, he just looked at the rings, then the rotating sticks, and then back to the rings.
"Fuck'a this!" Said Mario, and he proceeded to swallow the rings.
All of a sudden, He started transforming, and turned himself into a rocket launcher!
"Woah!" Auri said in shock.
"Take cover!" Screamed Meggy, and drag Auri down with her. The carnival worker inside the Ring Toss also took cover as well. Mario was powering up, super sayain style.
"Super Mario Launcher!" He wailed and Shot the rings he swallowed inside the tent!
The Rings were bouncing off the walls, and went flying straight to the clock tower, which was also bounced it straight towards the light house, and it also bounced off from it returning back to the Ring Toss tent, which caused a huge explosion! And the final result, Mario actually landed all the rings onto all the rotating plastic sticks.
Mario then gasped in excitement, "I did it!" He cheered, "I did it!"
Mario was very happy that he won, he doesn't realized the fire he caused. Meggy, and Auri got back up again from their take covers. "Well that something you don't see everyday." Said Auri. The carnival person then gave Mario the grand prize. Mario was very excited on to what it was. When he first saw it, his excitement just changed into a blank stare. The grand prize was just a medium sized statue of the Phoenix egg.
"That's it?" Asked Mario, "All that, just for an egg!"
The carnival guy nodded his head yes. Mario's expression went from a blank stare to mad. So mad in fact, his right eye started twitching. He then grabbed the carnival person by the shirt, pulled him towards him, and stared at him, angrily. Meggy and Auri were scared on whats about to happen
"That..." Said Mario. "Is the most greatest prize I have ever seen in my life! Wooooh!" He happily said.
 Meggy was relieved that Mario didn't throw a fit over the prize.
"Come on guys!" Said Auri, "There's a lots more games for us to play!"
And so, Meggy, Mario, and Auri played all the carnival games at the plaza's mini carnival for the rest of the day.
Hour's have past and is now the afternoon, the three all went to Auri's house to settle in. Once they all entered inside, Meggy was surprise on how different it was different then the last time she was here. The kitchen was now separate from the living room, divided by a wall that has a pass through window to see inside the kitchen. The living room was more spacious and clean, having a big red couch, with a bean bag chair on the side. And in the front, was a flat screen T.v, with a few video game consoles on the shelf. The jail cell was still there in the back but besides the point. There were 2 new beds next to the old jail cell, which were reserved just for Mario, and Meggy.
"Wahoo!" Yelled Mario in relieved, as he thrown himself on the bed which was near to the cell, "Now this is'a relaxing." He said.
"Well I'm glad you like it here!" Auri happily said.
Meggy then sat down on the other bed.
"Wow Auri." She said in amazed, "I Like how you did to your house. It's much more clean then the last time I was here."
"Thanks!" Said Auri, "I saved enough money of hard work, for Making criminals pay up the times of their crimes. Being an official sheriff is much hard work than I thought up to be." He said.
"Hey, not all work is easy you know?" Teased Meggy.
"Heh, yeah I know that." Laughed Auri.
As they settled in, Mario opened up his suitcase to unpack his things, but unexpectedly, his Suitcase started to explode out Spaghetti everywhere! It was like a non-stopping volcano, Spaghetti noodles and sauce flew everywhere!
"Holy marshmallows!" Screamed Auri.
"Mario!" Yelled Meggy in disbelief.
"Uh, hehehe, Mario may have, not have miscalculated how many Spaghetti he should'sa bring?" He embarrassingly said.
"You like Spaghetti too?" Asked Auri.
"Like it?" Said Mario, "I love it!"
"O.M.G!" Cried Auri, "I love Spaghetti too! I am also part of the Spaghetti loving fan club!"
"You too! We have'a so much in common!" 
"Oh boy." Said Meggy, "I guess it well smell like Spaghetti in here for weeks." She then lied down on her bed and rested, As Mario and Auri picked up the mess of Spaghetti. Out of nowhere, there was a huge bump, that shook the entire house!
"What was that!" Said Meggy, with unease in her tone.
"Oh no..." Auri Fearfully mumbled to himself.
They then heard some loud screaming outside.
"HELP!" Yelled Someone outside, "THE MONSTER IS BACK!"
"WHAT!" Yelled Auri, dropping the plate of Spaghetti.
"Hey!" Said Mario, irritated, "You dropped'a Mario's spaghetti!"
"Not now Mario." Said Meggy, "We have to check what the heck is going on!"
So the three all got up, and ran outside. And as they got out, they saw the entire towns folk running away from the plaza. They we're all screaming in fear as they ran towards the dockside. "Follow me!" Directed Auri, " We gotta see whats happening!"
 So Mario and Meggy followed Auri lead as they walked towards the main plaza. Once they got their, they were all in shock!
The plaza they were at was now covered in brown sticky ink like goop, covering all the buildings, and the mini carnival they were at!
"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Yelled a young Aura bora, running passed through them.
"Now whats going on here?" Auri Demanded for an answer.
Mario looked around to find anything, and when he looked up his eye shrank in fear.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!" He yelled, and pointed upwards.
Meggy, and Auri looked up where Mario was pointing at.
"Oh. My. GOD!" Meggy Yelled fearfully.
 What they saw was something they never seen before. It was huge and was covered in the brown sticky goop like ink that destroyed almost the entire plaza. It then noticed the three and it roared angrily at them.
"Ink Bigerrea!" Screamed Auri, and grabbed both Mario, and Meggy's arm, and dragged them, running away from the ink monster as it chased them.
"Ink Big who!?" Questioned Meggy.
"No time to explain we have to run!" Auri ran as fast as he can, and took them inside the new prison house just in time.
The inky beast then retreated back to the plaza, as if it forgot what it was chasing for. The three were all tired, and were unhinged to what they just saw.
"Auri..." Asked Meggy, "What the hell was that!"
"Ink Bigerrea." Said Auri, breathing heavily, "That ink monster just appeared out of nowhere couple weeks ago when the crime rates where booming back up again."
Meggy then paused, and looked at Auri again. "Say what now?" She said.
"Oh...right." Sheepishly said Auri, "Um, did I ever mention that crime rates have sky rocketed again?"
"WHAT!?" Screamed Meggy in confusion, "I thought they lowered down since we got rid of Benedict Cubersnatch!"
"I thought so too. But out of the blue, there was a new group that just appeared out of nowhere along with Ink Bigerrea couple weeks back. We caught most of them down, but non of them won't speak."
"What do you mean non of them won't speak?" Meggy suspiciously asked.
Unexpectedly, a loud banging was heard from the other room.
"Follow me." Quietly said Auri.
 Meggy followed Auri, as Mario stayed behind. When they went inside the other room, Meggy was in utter shock! The whole room was filled with full prison cells of loud, and aggressive criminals from this new group. There we're almost up to 150 in the cells. Some of the cells are so full, it could explode in any second now.
"LETS US OUT OF HERE YOU SMALL FRY!" Demanded an aggressive criminal, trying to break open the prison bar.
"Not till you tell me who you're working for and who they are!" Auri yelled back.
Meggy was still in shock of what she was seeing.
"That many?" She asked.
"Unfortunately yes." Regretfully said Auri. "There are still some out there, I doubt I can't get all of them at once, especially the one whose behind it all..."
Meggy then took a look back at imprisoned criminals, and then looked back at Auri. "Auri... what is this about?" She asked, calmly.
Auri sighed, as if he can't hide the truth anymore.
"I need your help again." He admitted, "Things are becoming much more worse then it was last time, and I can't do this all by myself!"
Meggy sighed, She couldn't believe on what she was brought into. She thought it was going to be a fun reunion with Auri, but it turned out to be a cry for help from the blue ball in brown boots with a sheriff badge.
"Okay Auri." She sighed, "I guess me and Mario could help you with this mess."
"OH THANK YOU MEGGY!" Happily screamed Auri, he then hugged Meggy by the leg, "THANK YOU FOR HELPING ME!"
Meggy wasn't sure how to respond next, she wasn't too key on solving a mystery of this criminal group.
"looks like we won't have a break, won't we?" She thought to herself in disbelief.
 All of a sudden, another big bump shook the entire prison!
"Okay, no time for playing!" Said Meggy, "We have to stop that thing before it causes anymore trouble!"
"How are we gonna do that!" Asked Auri.
Meggy thought, and thought till she had an idea.
"Come on, lets get Mario and I'll tell you what we'll do."

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