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I DONT THINK that I had ever felt as relaxed as I did laying there with Renetta. Eventually, Renetta went to go check on Elizabeth. She asked me if I wanted to go but I just couldn't do it. I was set to spend some time with Viviana, anyway.

I figured that I would go hang out with Lucy while I waited for her.

I reach Lucy's room and knock on the door. No one said anything so I assumed no one was there but I was sure Lucy wouldn't care if I were in there.

I open the door and sure enough, the room was empty.

I walk further in and I walk over towards the secret compartment. Figuring I'd take a quick look at the book while I waited. I open it, pull the book out, and shut the compartment before walking towards Lucy's bed, sitting down on it.

I go to open the book but before I can the door opens.

"I swear Lux. Only this one time," I hear Viviana say.

"No. The answer is no now and will forever be no."

"Why not?"

"Because that's weird even for you. You do realize that the things I conjure are from my magic. Which means you'd be—-"

"Yeah so? You'd do it for Ainsley."

"That's different. Just go buy one," Lucy says and rolls her eyes, an annoyed look on her face— which disappears when she spots me "Little one, how was your picnic with Renetta?"

"It was good," I smile before glancing back at Viviana "How are the two of you?"

"I'm good!" Viviana says brightly while Lucy glares at her.

"I was good up until an annoying redhead came up to me and began pestering me," Lucy says and  Viviana shrugs her shoulders before running towards the bed and jumping on it. Landing on me in the process, making me groan "You've become too comfortable in my room and I don't like it." But her words don't hold any anger or distaste behind them. It was clear she was warming up to the others.

Viviana just gives her a 'what can you do' look.

"Are you ready to head out now?" Viviana said.

"Yeah!" I say before getting off the bed I walk up to Lucy and hug her before kissing her "I love you Lucy. I'll see you later, yeah?"

"I love you too, little one. Now go have fun with Viviana." She lets go of me and pats my butt.

Viviana comes over to me and grabs my hand.

"What are we gonna do?"

"I was thinking we could go to the palace spa and then go to dinner. Get pampered a little and then get some good food? I figured since you already ate with Ren not too long ago."

"Sounds perfect."



I WAS STANDING in the middle of Kibas room. I wasn't ever close with her, and I'm pretty sure she hated me, but she was still my sister. Though, a seed of hatred was rapidly growing after hearing that she'd tried to hurt, even kill, Ainsley.

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