Chapter Twenty-one

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Renetta and I make our way to the kitchen. I follow her lead since I have no clue where I'm going. The walls truly do move. Which isn't going to make my impending escape easy.

The thought of escaping and leaving everyone behind makes my stomach drop. I have to keep reminding myself of the fact that I was brought here against my will. That it's my life and I deserve a choice. I have dreams and aspirations that I can't fulfill if I'm trapped here. And that's what I have to remember. That I'm trapped here. That if I asked to leave I know damn well they'd say no. I refuse to think of all of the good things that have happened here so far... and the fact that I'm not being treated terribly. I simply can't. This isn't how my life was supposed to go, then again everything went off course when Lucy left.

"Come on. We're almost there." She says. She had a naturally husky voice, I've come to notice, and it's one of the hottest sounds I've ever heard.

When we reach the kitchen Renetta pushes the door open and ushers me inside.

The kitchen was busy and lively. Surprisingly, when we walk in nothing stops. People continue to laugh and chat. Preparing food for lunch.

"Hello, dear." I hear a woman say. She hurries over to us and quickly pinches Renetta's cheeks "You're getting too thin. We'll have to fatten you up. Your mother would be appalled if she saw you know." She turns and spots me "Oh well aren't you a pretty thing. Is she your mate, Ren?" Renetta laughs awkwardly.

"Gran we're here to get some food for a picnic," she says "do you have anything that we can take? Ainsley here doesn't eat any meat or animal products."

" I always have stuff for you, deary. Just one moment. Let me get it all together." the woman or "gran" as Renetta referred to her as walked away with a purpose.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"That's Gran. She's the one who brought me here after my family died. I'd probably be dead along with them if it weren't for her. I used to actually work in the kitchen with her until Tien noticed me and I moved up in the ranks of you want to call it that." Renetta smiles "She's in charge of the kitchen and making sure everythings ready on time. The night that your food was poisoned was the only night she wasn't working. I finally convinced her to take the night off.. If I hadn't Harry would probably still be alive. No one would ever try that with her in the kitchen. She's a loving, caring woman but she takes her job and cooking very seriously."

Seconds later Gran is rushing back towards us with a basket in her hand.

"It's a beautiful day outside. I'm glad that you are getting some fresh air. God knows you younglings need it."

"Yes, ma'am." Renetta says with a laugh, taking the basket out of Gran's hands. Gran hits her with the rag she has over her shoulder and then shoos us both away. Renetta grabs my hand and pulls me out of the kitchen.

I was excited to be going outside. I hadn't been outside since I've gotten here– well, at least after I was in that godawful maze– so a picnic sounded wonderful.

"So, where outside are we going?" I ask.

"Well, there are huge gardens outside the palace that are surrounded by the labyrinth too. We won't be going there, though. You'll see when we get there." She winks at me a little bit. We walk until we reach an archway. She puts her hand on the stone wall directly next to it and a blade pushes out of the wall. Impaling her hand.

Blood trickles down it and it remains in her hand for a couple more seconds before retreating into the wall again. Through the archway, I faintly see a clear barrier falling to the ground.

"It's a force field we have here so that animals, dirt and the occasional rain don't get through. That and in case something escapes from the maze. It's not likely but just a precaution." We go outside and I nearly cry when my feet touch the grass. Yes, I'm not wearing any shoes at the moment.

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