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WE REACH THE PART of the castle where Tiens family was staying and violent sobs could be heard echoing through the halls. The smell of blood was suffocating yet familiar. Emotions of rage, loss, and grief were prominent. I close my eyes quickly and work to block out all of those feelings from them.

Kai, Kibas wife. Was sitting in the doorway to their room. The cries were coming from her. Tiens mother stood stricken against the wall. As straight as a needle. Seemingly not aware of her surroundings. There were numerous palace guards in the hallway.

"What's happening?" Tien asks one of them.

"Princess Kiba is dead, your majesty." Ahh so this is what has Mori so thrown off. Kiba was her pride and joy. The only child she loved.

I didn't feel an amount of sympathy toward her. I did, however, feel bad for Kai. She wasn't terrible or evil. She was kind-hearted and sweet. A lot of people didn't understand how someone like her could love someone like Kiba, but I understood it.

Saka approaches Kai. Crouching next to her, "Kai." She says softly while opening her arms. Kai sees and quickly falls into her arms. She holds her and rubs her back. She quickly glances up into the bedroom and her lips twitch up a little bit before going down into a frown. Kai continued to cry in Saka's arms, just not as hard.

Did I sense a mixture of sadness and yet satisfaction too?

Tien walks forward and glances into the room quickly. If it upset her she didn't show it. Her face remained blank, "I don't think it's safe for you guys to be here. I can't guess to why someone would kill Kiba but the fact that they managed to do this to her? And go undetected. I think it's best you guys leave."

"But what about the investigation? And what about catching whoever did this?" Kai says

"Saka will stay and make sure everything goes accordingly. Since I know Mother doesn't trust me to handle anything even though I'm ruling a planet."

"What's to say you or one of your little friends didn't do it?" Mori says and I scoff. Her eyes cut to me, narrowing, but Cyrus moves a little in front of me in a protective manner.

"For you to say that is straight-up disrespectful. I'd like to remind you, Mori, that you no longer hold any position of power here. Yours died with your husband and I took your place." I say, surprising myself. She goes to move closer to me but Tien steps in front of her.

"We need to determine the time of death and the cause but I highly doubt it was any of us because we've all been together. You, Kai, and your husband should leave the planet for safety because you possibly could be next."

"Please. Do you really think someone would be able to kill me?"

"Did you ever think someone would be able to kill Kiba?"


"So then I'll st—-" Saka starts saying but gets cut off.

"Quite frankly I don't give a shit what you do, Saka. You could be dead for all I care. You should be. I'd rather you be dead over Kiba and I wish that you were. Now, Kai, we should get going."

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