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I WAKE UP WITH a groan. I felt two hot bodies sandwiching me between them. I instantly knew that it was Saka and Lucy. I snuggle in deeper between them and sigh.

"Welcome back, little one." Lucy says as Saka strokes my head.

"What happened? The last thing I remember was walking into Viviana's room with Sage and then the rest is kind of blurry." I say, my brows furrowing and Lucy sighs. An unsure look on her face. She glanced at Saka who nods her head with a small smile.

"You have to promise me with everything that you won't freak out. Or at least freak out a lot because it would be completely understand if you did."

"I promise to try and not freak out."

"We should probably sit up for this." Lucy says and I nod my head I move and sit criss cross apple sauce (A/N: did I just call it that. Yes🤍) and Lucy moved in front of me. Mirroring the way I was sitting. Saka also sits up.

"There's some things that I've been keeping from you in this lifetime." Lucy says while shutting her eyes "and the only reason why I've done it is because I thought it was the best way to protect you."

"This lifetime?"

"Yes, this lifetime. You see Ainsley, I've know you for thousands and thousands of years. You die and are reincarnated and in every single life you have I love you all the same. If not even more each time." She says "while you have different families every time, different statuses in society, different struggles and achievements, your soul stays the same and every single time you're the same person. You typically look the same in every life. However, this one you look different, but even so you have the same laugh, the same light in your eyes, the same smile. You have the same love for everyone and everything.

You are typically reincarnated right after you die but the last time you did, you didn't come back for a thousand years. You see, our souls are intertwined so I can feel when you die and I can feel when you're born. I can just feel when you're alive and for the longest time I didn't feel that. I probably would've gone insane without you if not for Saka. Who we had both met thousands of years ago. At this point I don't even know how long ago. And though I had already known you for what seemed like forever— since your first reincarnation actually-, and loved you for what felt like an eternity, she managed to weasel her way into our hearts. And then we discovered she was one of your mates."

My jaw dropped. Momentarily, I felt like my entire existence was a lie. But then I remind myself that Lucy had her reasons and honestly, her keeping this from me until now was a good idea, I don't know how I would've handled it before.

"Do other people get reincarnated as well?"

"No. That's the insane part. You should've only lived one life and it should've been the span of a human one. Given you're an elemental witch and they aren't immortal."

"Wait, what? I'm a witch? I thought I was human. And if I supposedly am a witch why can't I do magic?"

"You technically can, I guess, but for as long as I've known you your powers have been locked up. You haven't been able to access it until recently when you burned and killed that one girl."

"I killed someone!?"

Saka kicks Lucy and she winces, "did you have to say it like that? You could've eased her into it."

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