Chapter Twenty

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SAGE JUMPED UP and let out a scream when a headless body appeared. The head lands next to the desk and its eye less head stares at me.

We were sitting in my office. She had been working on a drawing she has been working on for about a month now. She typically was already finished by now but she said she wanted to take her time on this one. She refused to tell me what it was, but whenever she was working on it she had a slight smile on her face. I could only guess it had something to do with Ainsley.

I sigh and shake my head. Out of all the places she could've sent the body she decides to send it here.

"What the hell?!" Sage exclaims.

"This is most likely from Lux. I can feel her magic in the air right now."

"Why would she send it here?"

"Probably as pay back. Or to mess with me. I quite frankly have no idea why she does the things that she does. It's best to not try and find out, either." I say. Sage looks a little green. She was never good with violence. She grew up surrounded by it and even today she still is. She wasn't your average siren who pulls sailors into the waters and drowns them. No, she values all life and never wants to take one. She says it disrupts the balance of the universe.

Some people think that she's a heartless beast and she goes left and right murdering people but that's not the case. She has a pure heart that still hasn't been tainted with my darkness even after all this time.

"Does she have to go around just killing random people?" Sage asks me and I simply shake my head and say:

"No. I don't think that this was for no reason. Look at the markings on this girls arms.."

"Holy shit."


I had yet to really connect and meet Ainsley. I wasn't good with social situations or making friends. Even though my species typically run in packs, I'd rather be alone. Which is what I often did. I often spent all my time alone in the library. Reading a book or five. I know that it probably wasn't the best for my mental health but I loved it. Sure, I got lonely but isn't that what I wanted? I had many people I loved and cared for. Like the women that I live with and them but even so, I was lonely

But with Ainsley here I don't want to be alone. I want to spend all of my time with her. She makes my heart skip a beat and the beast inside me tries to break free. It's pretty hard to control her when I'm around Ainsley.

I take a deep breath. I was currently standing outside of Ainsley's door. I could hear her speaking to someone in there that I could only assume was Lux. She probably won't want me to be here right now. I'll just come back later.

I turn to walk away and the door bursts open. Lux is standing there and then all of the sudden a dagger is being held up to my throat.

I feel it into my skin and then hear Ainsley yell something.

"Wait! That's just Renetta, Lux."

"Yeah that's the point."

"Can you please stop?" Lux sighs loudly and lowers the blade like it's painful for her to do. And maybe it is.

"Anything for you, little one." She backs away and  sweeps her arm out as if you invite me into the room. I stand there awkwardly for a moment and then enter the room. Ainsley was beautiful as ever. I could faintly smell the smell of blood and my eyes instantly scanned Ainsley. I didn't think Lux would hurt her. Given how deeply it seemed she cared about her, it was just an impulsive thing for me to do.

"How can I help you?" Ainsley asks in a soft voice. A small smile on her lips. Almost like she finds my behavior amusing.

"I was just coming to hang out with you. Maybe we could grab some food from the kitchen?"

"I am rather hungry."

"So am I actually," Lux says with a smirk on her face but Ainsley shakes her head when she sees my face fall.

"Lux, you can get something to eat but I am going to have a meal alone with Renetta. I've spent all day with you and I'll probably be with you all night."

Lux pouts. She actually pouts. Something I thought I'd never see her do.

"Fine. Have fun then." she says before turning around and venturing farther into Ainsley's room. Flopping on her bed.

"Just give me a moment to change."

I want to tell her she doesn't need to. That she looks perfect just the way she is. But I keep my mouth shut and wait outside her room as she closes the door to go change. I have to admit, I am jealous of Lux and the fact that she gets to watch Ainsley change. That sounds perverted but I can't help the way my thoughts lead.

"Okay. I'm ready now." I startle as Ainsley opens her door and says.

She's wearing a beautiful floral sundress. It hugs her waist and flares around her hips. She looks stunning.

"Here we go, my lady." I say and offer her my arm. With that we're off. I can only hope that it goes well.

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