Start from the beginning

"But I want Saka to come," Kai says and Saka chuckles softly.

"I know I know. But I have to stay for now."

Kai nods her head and minutes later they're all leaving. They exited the castle and opened a portal to whatever planet they were currently living on. While Saka, Tien, and I didn't follow them Cyrus did to make sure that they left.

"We need to talk," Saka says to Tien who nods her head.

"Let's go to my office." They turn to walk away and I stay standing still. Tien only moves a foot before stopping, noticing I'm not next to her which makes me smile. She turns back towards me and extends her hand out to me. I grasp it and hold her hand while we make our way to her office.

I hated to admit it but when Ainsley came along, at first, I was scared that I'd lose Tien. That she'd stop loving me or would love me less. That she'd toss me to the side and forget about me. Of course, Ainsley is also my mate but I never wanted to lose Tien as my lover and partner.

Honestly some of that fear still lingers.

Soon enough we reach Tiens office and walk in. We could all talk freely in here given that it had been spelled to make it sound proof, as well as make it so there was no way anyone could record anything.

"So. Do you have something to confess?" Saka says, looking directly at Tien.

"I don't know what you mean. Could you elaborate?"

"Would you like to tell me about how you killed Kiba?" My brows furrowed at sakas words. What did she mean by Tien killer Kiba?

"What makes you think I'm the one who did it."

"Don't insult me like that, little sister. The crime scene has you written all over it." Saka says while a certain look passes over her face.

"It has me written all over it?"

"Yes. How don't play dumb Tien. I need to know."

"Fine. If you must know than yes, it was me."

"But why?" I ask, putting myself in the conversation.

"Yeah, why? Despite that you aren't close she's still your sis—" sakas sentence stops when Tien holds up her hand.

"Don't start up with the family bullshit. She was merely someone I shared DNA with. I found my real family. People who won't stab me in the back and people who care about me. People who truly care about me not for any other reasons than because of who I am as a person." Tien says, "but if you must know why I did it, it was because she attacked and tried to kill Ainsley."

"Wait, what?" Her and I say at the same time.

"Did Lux not tell you? Outside my office she attacked Ainsley and Lux saved her. With Kiba's tendencies I knew that she'd become obsessed with Ainsley. Especially with her little fascination with Lux. She did always envy you, Saka. So imagine what she'd do to Ainsley? Someone she could kill without any repercussions or by causing a scene— at least that's just what she assumed. Hell, she could kill Ainsley with a snap of her fingers. So, I took matters into my own hands and eliminated her." She shrugs "and killing her felt really good. It was like a weight off my chest. Plus, it gave me room to convince mother to leave and get her out of our hair."

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