Start from the beginning

"You know I'm not good with these things, darling. What did you expect."

"....good point." Lucy draws her attention away from Saka and turns it back to me.

"But yes, you killed someone." I search her eyes. Praying that it was some sick joke or she was lying. But I knew Lucy and she wouldn't lie to me, at least not about this. My heart starts to beat at an abnormal rate and i feel myself falling into a rabbit hole. That is until I feel two sets of hands on me. Lucy's in my face and Sakas on my thigh, "little one it's okay."

"No it isn't. I'm a terrible person. I'm so going to rot in hell for the rest of eternity."

"Now, we all know that's not true." Saka says and I turn to her, a dumbfounded look in my face.

"What mean that's not true? It is so true." I feel lucy caress my cheek slightly.

"Little one it isn't true. Yes you killed someone and honestly I don't know all of the details but you'd never do something like that just for the hell of it. You have the kindest, most genuine, pure soul I've ever seen and had the blessing of being destined for. You by no means are a terrible person nor will you ever be. Think about everything that we've done. I've tortured and killed people. Destroyed planets and condemned people to hell. I am pure evil. Yet you still see the good in me that honestly probably doesn't exist to anyone else. You love me despite the fact that I'll forever be impure and tainted with darkness. If you call yourself a terrible person, I'd hate to hear what you would call me."

I go to open my mouth to say something but quickly shut it when I couldn't find words. I lunge forward and tackle Lucy into a big hug. She wraps her arms tightly around me and kisses my forehead.

"I do have another question. What did you mean by my powers being locked up? And how I haven't been able to access them until now." This time, it's Saka who answers my question.

"What she means is that you've always had this power inside you but you just couldn't use any of it. It was like it was chained up inside you like a prisoner and it was so tight that you couldn't even do small magical things or cast spells using a spell book and ingredients. Which you should've been able to do at the bare minimum. The only way that this could have happened is if someone places a spell on you, well, more of a curse if you ask me. We could hypothesize that since now you've met all of your mates you are able to unlock some of it. The curse could've been placed on you to help you control it? Or honestly, I don't know. Lux and I, even you, have searched for thousands of years through books and scrolls and scripts and we haven't found anything. Something that does concern me is that what if when you died and came back it was because of the curse and the fact that you hadn't met all of your mates yet. So if you die again.....I fear you may not come back."

"Now now my darling. Let's not think of such things. We have no idea what the future will hold. Maybe since she's found her mate and is mated to a bunch of immortal people, she won't die again."

"I hope to whatever God is out there you're right."

"Well, there are a lot of different Gods and Goddesses. They each rule a planet or a solar system depending on how powerful they are. My moth——" Lucy's cut off by the door opening. In walks Tien and the others. Sage gives me a sad smile and Viviana gives me a look that says that there isn't a single thing I could do to ever lose her love. It fills me with warmth. Tien signals Renetta to move farther in so that she can close the door.

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