Start from the beginning

"Should we take it to Tien now or should we wait?"

"Maybe wait till morning? I can take it back to my room for safekeeping. I have somewhere I can put it and then I'll bring it to the office tomorrow when we tell everyone. If that's good with you?"

"Thats fine with me. I'd rather not be in charge of it. I'll be too paranoid that I'll lose it."

We exit the room and lock it behind us. We walk side by side towards the wing of the castle that has our rooms in it. When we reach it, we go our separate ways.

"Goodnight Cyrus."

"Night Ren."

I open my door before going in. placing the knife somewhere safe where no one would be able to find it. I highly doubt someone would break in and try to steal it from my room. Especially with how dragons are with their possessions. I figured, anyway, that since we found it in the room the person obviously didn't know that they left it there.

I move over to the nightstand next to my bed and grab the bonnet that I keep there. I put it on my head before flopping down on it. Wincing a little bit.

I snuggle under the covers and close my eyes. Drifting off to sleep and into better times. Where I still looked at things in wonder and despite having to make a single loaf of bread last a month, and eating bugs to get the proper protein, happiness. Because I didn't know how twisted the world actually was. The mold on the walls and ceiling would've definitely killed a human but still I lived in ignorant bliss of the monsters while I slept in the house that was falling apart. That was until I discovered the monsters in the worst way possible. The monsters ended up killing my entire family. Splattering their blood all over the walls.

My mother had always tried to shield me but that was her biggest mistake of all. Because once she was gone there was no one there to shield me and I was turned into a weapon of death and destruction. Being used for others' gains and becoming someone and something I didn't recognize. I am now one of those monsters that people fear, that my mother feared. The monsters my older sister and brothers cried about at night.

I'd argue that I'm worse. Because they left me alive. One of them mentioned how I was a child. That consideration didn't extend to my siblings who they torn their throats out. I guess 12 is a little too old for them. Which is what is different about me. I don't leave any survivors. No matter what the age.

I've only ever done so once and I've come to regret that decision. So now, no matter what, there will be no survivors.

The thought sends a pang to my heart. One that I wish I didn't feel. I wish I didn't feel anything.

But she? She makes me want to be Athena again. Which I simply can't have. Athena died in the house along with her family centuries ago.


I WOKE UP NESSELED in between Sage and Tien. Despite the recent events, I feel happy. I could stay right where I was forever.

While I did feel pretty restless last night, I did get good sleep. Tien and Sage were probably the reason for that. Sage honestly has a calm energy that surrounds her.

"We should probably get everyone together and see if Renetta and Cyrus found anything." We climb out of bed and Tien and Sage give me clothes to wear. Most of my stuff is either in the room that I had been staying in with Elizabeth, or in my personal one.

Sage leaves to go knock on people's doors to gather them to go to the office and Tien leaves to go get Saka and Lucy. Given that her bedroom isn't in this wing. Something that I find weird but then again Lucy is a pretty private person. I do think that a step moving forward to bring everyone closer is to have Lucy have a room near the others. I don't know if she'd want that but I do think it would be a good thing to take into consideration. I wasn't sure yet if I should bring it up to her, or maybe one of the others.

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