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Pippa decided she'll just go straight to the theatre to make sure that Steve already left when she comes home after the show. She spent the night in Anna's place because she was so tired that day and had no enough energy to find a hotel or anything.


"How come you look like a mess? Come in!" Anna welcomed her.

Phillipa went straight to the kitchen and sat on her usual bar stool. "Because I AM a mess."

"Here!" Anna handed her a drink. "Tell me about it."

Pippa took a sip on her drink and took a deep breath as she tries to recall what happened. "I asked him to leave."

"What!?" Anna almost spitting out her drink.

"I snapped and he suggested it'd be better if we take a break." Pippa explained.

"And you agreed?? Also a break? On what terms? Like are you allowed to see other people?"

"Well I didn't like the idea but then this woman kept on calling him and it triggered something in me. We're in the middle of an argument and apparently this woman, who left her necklace on our elevator when she was with him, kept on calling. What am I suppose to do? Beg him to stay?"

It took a while for Anna to register everything all in before asking, "So there's another woman then?". Pippa nodded.

"You know? For a woman who just knew she'd been cheated on, you look so chill." Anna joked.

"Oh believe me, I was murdering him in my head but I was too tired to do it. I just wanted to leave because it was so suffocating to breathe the same air as him." said Pippa

"Sure! That's why it took you this long to do it." Anna shrugged. "Oh and I better thank that woman because if it weren't for her, you wouldn't have the courage to do it."

"Damn it! Are you really my friend? You know I look chill but my heart is breaking into pieces as we speak, right?" Pippa smirked.

Anna stood up to hug her. "I know, sweetie. You guys are both my friends but I always got you, you know that."

"Good afternoon, my queen." Andrew greeted him as he entered her dressing room.

"Afternoon." she greeted back emotionless.

"The show hasn't started yet but your face looks like your kingdom just fell apart." He joked as he placed a donut in front of her.

Andrew being inside Pippa's dressing room is a usual thing for them. He was waiting for Pippa's banter and when she didn't say anything, he knew exactly there was something wrong.

"Wait. What's the matter?" He said as he stand up from the couch to lean on her table. Pippa told her everything that happened last night which made him furious.

"What a dick!" He started pacing around her dressing room trying to read Pippa. "How are you coping?" He concernedly asked.

There was a knock on the door and they realized they both need to start preparing for the show. Andrew left her dressing room after patting her back, telling her that he'll get back to her after the show's over.

Pippa stood in front of her door for a while before having the strength to twist the knob. You can do it. You can live without him. She pep talked herself.

Her feet led her straight to the living room, examining the whole place to see what stuff Steve took with him.

Half of the books were gone. Okay.
His records too. Of course he'll bring them with him.
The coffee table and his actors chair are gone.
What else did he bring with him.... Oh some of the frames. The audacity of this man to bring some of our wedding photos after he just decided to leave his wife. Such a douche.

She sat down on the couch. The place didn't change that much. There were still a lot of stuff in there but somehow she felt like the place has become empty. She took a deep breath and tried to remember the last time they both sat on that couch together.

Ohhhh he took the xbox, I don't know how to play it anyway. As well as the clock.....and the..... STEVEN!!

"Phillipa Soo! Let me in or I'll break your door!"

She rushed to open her door and was greeted by a blue-eyed man with a bottle of wine in his hand and a box of doughnut on the other.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she squeaked as she watch the man walk his way inside of her place straight to her kitchen.

"Well I figured you're alone. So I invited myself." He poured the wine into the glasses and handed her one. "Here's your drink. Come on, it's not like you didn't open the door for me."

"Yeah but I didn't let you in." She protested but accepted the drink.

"Oh P, you don't let me in your dressing room either. I just barge in. There's nothing you can do, you're stuck with me." He laughed as he took a sip of wine. "Went straight to your room after I finished getting ready but you already left."

"Your leftover doughnuts doesn't look appetizing to me. I'm not gonna eat that." Pippa took a sip and decided to look for something in the fridge. "What do you want? I'm making us food."

"Anything. You're asking a man who eat leftovers. Anything you'll make would top that." Andrew said as he switched the TV on.

Pippa's eye caught something in the fridge she knows that wasn't there before she left yesterday. Ben & Jerry's Netflix and Chill'd. Her favorite. Weird. I don't remember buying it.

She took all the ingredients she'll be needing. She decided to just make a Jalapeño Popper Grilled Cheese since it was the quickest thing to make she can think of. She noticed a piece of paper folded under the tissue box in the countertop with her name on it. She decided to leave it there for a while and continue making their food. She took a glance of it once in a while but fight the urge to read it yet. She's not ready for whatever is inside.

"Damn! That smells so good. I'm gonna wife you now." Andrew said before taking a bite of the sandwich. "Uhmm, weird way to propose, Phillipa, but yes!" Pippa hit his shoulder softly and laughed.

Andrew went back to watching while savoring his sandwich so she took the opportunity to read it.

I know you hate me so much by now. I can't blame you, I hate myself too. I just want you to know it took everything in me not to stop you from leaving that door. But after you left, it felt like I did the right thing. God I really hope I did the right thing. I asked for this break so it would only be fair if I won't bother you and give you the time you need too.
There are so many things I'd like to say, but until I find the courage to do so, I'd just keep them all to myself and believe that one day, all of these will make sense. 

I left your favorite on the fridge in case you need it. Also I hope you don't mind I took the miniature tandem bike with me. Call me a jerk or whatever but I really need it.


How can someone feel both broken and angry for a letter. The nerve of this guy to take the tandem!

She didn't realize there were tears falling from her eyes until Andrew held her face and gave him a warm hug. One that would make her feel safe, one that would tell her she's not alone, one that assures her that everything is going to be okay.

"Drew, can you stay for the night?" she asked.

"I'd love to if that's what you need."

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