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Pippa's phone went off but she wasn't able to answer it since she's busy getting ready for the curtain call. Once she was done, it rang again.

*Hubz calling*

She ignored it. Why would he call me at this hour when he knows I have work.

"Places!" someone shouted

Andrew met her in the hallway. "Hey, what's with the face?"

"Steve's calling at this hour"

Andrew just gave him an "ohh" look. He know its odd but they'll just continue the conversation after the bows. He noticed that Pippa is still thinking about it after their bows so he decided to hold her hand while they're on their way off stage.

Pippa was done for the night. She's about to grab her bag when her hand accidentally hit the the glass on the table, causing it to fall and break.

"P, are you alright!?" Andrew knocked in her door. She assured him everything's fine.

*unknown number calling*

She doesn't usually answer these types of calls but for a moment there, she answered it without the slightest hesitation.

"Hi, is this Mrs. Phillipa Soo?"

<< Throwback (after bowie's birthday) <<

"Where are they?" Steve asked who just arrived at the pub.

"They already left. Where have you been? I thought there's something important you have to attend to?" Ahna asked.

"Yeah." He answered coldly. He then ordered a drink to the bartender. Ahna just watched him as he drink.

"I'll take a guess. It's your wife again?" Ahna raised her eyebrows.

"I think.... I think I'm losing her." He said before finishing up the first glass.

"You know, if your wife can't see your worth, you should just let it go. There are lots of woman out there, Steve" Ahna said facing directly at him. Steve looked at him strangely.

"Well I'm just saying if I was her, I'd never let go of you."

"Well thanks." Steve said. "But I get where she's coming from. I fell short. I failed as a husband."

"Don't take all the blame. For sure she had her fair share of shortcomings as a wife." She said as Steve ordered another round of drinks.

"You should stop thinking about it for a while. We should celebrate tonight. We should do something fun, you and I" Ahna looked at him full of lust.

Steve let out a short laugh. "Ahna, you're drunk. You should go home. I'm fine here, I can talk to the bartender or just talk to my old fashioned drink HAHA."

But Ahna insisted, said she'll stay and order drink as well to keep him company. Steve let her, all he wants is to drink his feelings away tonight. He doesn't care if he's drinking alone or with someone.

An hour and a few glasses later,

"I should keep going. I should be at home before the alcohol fully hit me." He said.

"How are you going home? I wanted to offer driving you home since you keep me company but I feel like it's safer if you'll just take a cab or maybe uber." He added.

The SooSqualesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon