Setting The Stage

Start from the beginning

Lexi: You think you can get away with just a peck on the forehead, ohh no not today Wolfie.

She says as she grabs my cheeks and connects our lips in a passionate hard but not to hard kiss while Allen and Becks stands there in each other's arms smiling at us while shaking their heads.

(Start Of Main Event)

Micheal: welcome ladies and gentlemen to Main Event I'm your host Micheal Cole and beside me my broadcast partner Corey Graves.

Corey: Tonight we got a exciting show for tonight.

Micheal: First we have Alexa Bliss against Peyton Royce but our main event we will see The Omega against Y2J Chris Jericho.

Corey: Yes and they are going to be one heck of a match especially with what Brock Lesnar has been saying over social media that The Omega wasn't nothing and that beat down he gave him a couple weeks ago was a fluke and he wasn't prepared.

Micheal: Yeah and The Omega fired back saying that if you think it was a fluke why don't you get in the ring with me before Summer Slam and find out who's the best The Omega or The Beast.

Corry: Then all Brock said was Careful what you wish for and that's all he said.

(Main Event of Well Main Event😆😆)

Announcer: This main event match is scheduled for one fall.

Announcer: From Manhasset, New York weighing in at 215 lbs CHRIS JERICHO!!!!!!

He does his signature motions and gets into the ring getting ready for the battle ahead.

Announcer: Now introducing his opponent.

As my music plays I walk out to a pop from the crowd I stop at the stage and get down on all fours and act like I'm howling at the moon and the crowd does the same.

Announcer: From Colombus, Ohio weighing in at 220 lbs ANDREW THE OMEEEEEGGGA!!!!!

As the announcer says that I make my way towards the ring I slide in and jump up feet and do my signature stare Jericho.

(15 minutes into the match)

Me and Chris have thrown everything at each other and we are coming up to almost 20 minutes my longest ever match and it shows I'm exhausted, as Chris goes for the code breaker I reverse it and hit him with a high knee to the chin he stumbles back and falls on the mat as we both lay there trying to catch our breath the ref is at the count of 7 when I pull myself up by the ropes stumble to the corner we're I howl and set up the Omegas Bite.

After I hit it I fall on top of him in HBK fashion and the ref counts.



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