
before we get to Carolynn's present day POV, we need to rewind the clock a week to show what happened between her and Donny following the events of the last friday night after Spencer's party and the subsequent kiss they shared to close out that scene. This is the next day, Saturday and it's around 1pm.


Wow! What. A. Kiss. I've kissed a lot of guys in my life (before Spencer) but I've never felt such intense passion fused with need and want while at the same time soft and gentle. It happened so fast I don't think either of us realized what we did, truly (other than tricking Spencer). Do I have feelings for Donny now? I don't know.

Does it really change anything even if I do? Not really, I'm still engaged to Spencer even though he's been so weird lately. Although he won't admit it, Spencer views Donny as a threat to our relationship, but I keep telling him he doesn't need to feel that way and that Donny is no threat at all. This is what I tell my fiance to assure him he has nothing to worry about. However, somewhere down deep in my mind, I wonder if I'm not only lying to Spencer, but to myself, especially after that kiss.

So here I am, back in New Jersey after taking the train in even though Spencer told me he'd take me but he denies ever saying that. I really want to believe he's trying to gaslight me his fiance. I know he does this at work but I'm not stupid, I know he said he'd take me first thing. He's still acting like a child even though he apologized last night; maybe I should've gone home with Donny after all.

I'm actually walking to Donny's apartment so we can have a serious chat. I went to the restaurant and Kenny told me that Donny's taking the day off since he got in late last night but Kenny gave me Donny's address.

I approach the building Kenny said. It looks run down and raggedy. I open the front door to the building and my senses are assaulted by the sound of people laughing and shouting, dogs barking, babies crying, smells like burning food. There's old timy Italian music playing.

"Hello? Excuse me?" I get closer and the first room I see on the right is the source of all the chaos. There's a group of older men laughing and playing cards and speaking in Italian while all the other things I mentioned are happening in the background.

I clear my throat and say loudly, "Excuse me, gentlemen!"

They suddenly stop and turn around to look at me. One of the men frustratingly waves his hand to an elderly woman cooking by a stove and she turns the music down.

The same man gets up and approaches me

"Yes, Miss?" he says with an Italian accent, "Are you lost? A pretty lady like you shouldn't be hanging around in a neighborhood like this."

"Well, I'm looking for Donny." I say

He pauses for a a second like he doesn't know who I'm talking about. I'm beginning to think I'm in the wrong building.

"Oh, Donald!" he says with excited realization, "Why d'fuck would you want to see that lowlife for? You look too classy to be one of his one night stand skanks he brings home." All his friends burst into a roar of laughs.

This statement surprised me when it really shouldn't have because I've been so wrapped up on me being spoken for, I never once asked if he's seeing anyone. But one night stands? I have to ask him about that.

"Well, I'm Carolynn, and Donny's a friend of mine." I say.

"Well, my name is Benny, I'm d'landlord and that boy owes me rent big time." Benny said, "I don't know how he managed to get a friend like you but any friend of his is still a friend of mine even though he's not a friend of mine." the guys laugh again, "He lives upstair, first door on d'right."

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