It's hard to talk to you

Start from the beginning

Liz looked at me with an eyebrow raised

"I'll have that out as soon as possible" Ruth smiled at us before walking away

"Breakfast at one in the afternoon?" Liz asked me

"I'm craving it" I said honestly

"Interesting, but alright" she laughed

I took a sip from my sprite as Liz did the same with her coke

"I cant believe we're about hang out with Taylor Swift for a few hours" Liz spoke

"This doesn't even feel like real life" I said honestly

"Do you have gum? You don't want to be talking to her with maple syrup breath do you?" She asked me

"Yes I have gum" I laughed

"Good. Its mostly for me. I don't want to talk to her with chicken strip breath" Liz shook her head at the thought

That caused me to laugh

"You should tell her we'll be there more closer to three. I don't want to rush eating" Liz said

I nodded feeling the same way. I texted Taylor exactly what Liz told me and she said it was no worries at all since she was stuck in traffic anyways.

"Is she mad?" Liz asked

"No, she's stuck in traffic" I told her

"Okay good, I cant afford to get on her bad side" Liz said with a shiver to her back

I shook my head with a smile as I sipped my drink again


"Where do we even go?" Liz asked as we made it to the back of the stadium like Taylor told us to

"I have no idea, let me text her" I told Liz as she nodded


We're here at the back

Okay, I'll send someone to go get you!

"She's sending someone" I told Liz

"I'm scared, this feels illegal" she said looking around

"We're fine, here" I said handing her a piece of gum

"Thanks" she smiled as she took it from me

"You're welcome" I answered

"Y/n, and Elizabeth?" A guy in a security guard uniform

"That's us" I smiled

He nodded as he held the door open for us and we walked in

"I'm John" he smiled at me then Liz

"Y/n, but you already knew that" I laughed

"Liz" she smiled at him

He couldn't help but to smile back at her

"So you girls are just casually friends with Taylor Swift?" He asked us

"It's a long story" Liz replied

He nodded as he looked down at her since he's taller than both of us

"You're just casually a security guard for her?" Liz fired back

"It's a long story" he copied

"Interesting" Liz replied as we made it to the end of the hall

"And I would be happy to tell you mine if you tell me yours" he told Liz clearly flirting with her

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