🦋Chapter 14🖤

Start from the beginning

"Arman is the only one who deserves your hatred, revenge, plans and whatever, Assar on the other hand will just need you to not hate her so please as much as all I'm saying to you is just entering your left ear and coming out of the right I just hope you're able to at least think of the future before doing anything to Assar, I don't care about Arman so whatever you want to do to him I won't stop you or try to change your mind just don't punish Assar for an anger that's temporary" Kabir said and gave his brother a warm smile before leaving.

"What?" Umar said confusedly, halfway of Kabir speaking he had inserted his airpods into his ears and was listening to a mad jam that'll boost him to work out more so he didn't get most of what Kabir said but as usual guessed it'll be against him wanting to hurt Assar so he didn't care or bother wanting to even know more.

After 20 mins more of him working out he decides to have his shower and go to bed. Waking up as early as 5:03am the following morning, he prayed Fajr, did his morning routines and got early to the hospital which was by 7:00am.

After settling in his office he goes in to check on his patient and sees her surprisingly conscious. She just layed there staring at the ceiling till he walked up to her as she lazily spared him a glance.

"Are you awake?" He asked as she just stared at him, her eyes were weak, full of terror, her body numb and unable to move, her heart beating at a fast rate, thousand thoughts going through her brain training to process all, there was nothing she could do, all she could do was to stare and weep. A tears no one cared about, she couldn't even speak if she wanted to, her mouth hurts, her lips were bursted and still hurting, she could feel all the pain from all over her body stinging but what could she do other than bear, no one could take away her pain neither do they even care about it, when will all this be over, she only kept thinking.

"Hmm, I can see you're no longer struggling like yesterday so I guess the paralysis dose are really working" he said as he smirked

"Don't worry I'm doing this for you so you don't need to hate me you should only hate the one who put you in this condition, okay?" He said smirking again as the door opened letting a nurse walk in making him quickly behave himself.

"Good morning doctor" the nurse said

"Morning, how are you?"

"I'm fine doctor"

"What's the her situation?" Doctor Umar asked

"She regained consciousness by 6am this morning and was really scared so I'm guessing it's her panic attack, luckily doctor Mubarak was about to leave and I called his attention and he attended to her, he was able to keep her calm using some theories and she has been awake ever since, I injected her the dose you prescribe to me and a new blood was fixed 20 mins ago, aside from that her condition seems okay" the nurse explained

"Good job, I'm guessing your shift is over" he said smiling at her

"Yes doctor" the nurse responded with a smile

"Alright then you can leave I'll handle it from here on, send the next nurse to my office, I'll see you tomorrow" doctor Umar said

"Alright doctor, goodbye" the nurse responded as she left the room making doctor Umar turn back to Assar.

"Hmm" he said as he leaned closer to her studying her face

"Your face is in a terrible state now and there is Kabir who kept yapping about you being beautiful, the only thing you have are long eyelashes and almond eyes the rest of your face is disfigured" he said and let a small chuckle

"I really feel bad that I wasn't the one who disfigured it tho, that bastard Arman, don't worry I'll teach him a lesson for what he did to you, then I'll teach you a lesson, okay¿" He said and bursted into a small laughter before sighing and leaving the room.

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