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Meerab came out the shower to see a very angry Murtasim on the phone. 'Ji kuch bi ho jai. Mujhe ye kaam mukammal dhikna chaye' His voice low and demanding. (yes, whatever happens I want this to be complete)

Meerab slowly went to the closet to get her dupatta for the dress she wore and walked back to the room after adjusting it properly over her chest, making sure it hung over her shoulders modestly. She watched how he sat at the edge of the bed in deep thought. His expression showed anger as the clench of his jaw was evident to Meerab. The blue velvet curtains now raised back and the natural morning light shone through, making the room look lively again. The light shone around Murtasim as his backed faced the large window that removed the privacy of their bedroom.  

Meerab watched him as he did not move at her exit from the bathroom and slowly walked towards him. 'What happened?' She asked quietly. The room was already silent and Meerab didn't see the need to raise her voice from a whisper. The quiet atmosphere of the room could not be disturbed nor did she want to trigger any potential arguments between them two.

Murtasim raised his head at her and the anger was replaced by pity. Meerab's faced showed confusion. Was he angry at me?  'Sit down Meerab' Murtasim patted the space on the bed in front of him and Meerab looked at the empty space and him before wearily sitting down on the edge. 

Meerab waited for Murtasim to start talking but she saw how he gulped. 'Murtasim?' Meerab questioned. She was getting curious and a bit worried at his silence. 

Murtasim lowered his head to his injured arm and then at Meerab. 'Meerab last night you were having a bad dream.' Murtasim gritted his teeth in anger at the remembrance. Meerab gave him a confused look. Last night? She couldn't remember. 'I - I don't remember' Meerab said confused. Meerab had never really had a bad dream so this information was completely new to her. 

'You were begging someone to not hurt you. You were crying Meerab' Murtasim said as his voice got deeper and Meerab realised he was angry. 

'Maybe Murtasim but I don't remember and I am fine now anyways' Meerab could see his face was full of guilt and Meerab felt a little bad but shrugged it off. She was a little traumatised by the situation but it wasn't something she wanted to hold onto. 

'He touched you?' Murtasim's voice had a hint of disgust and rage. Meerab gulped as she knew that telling him would not bring Malik Zubair any good. 

'Yes' Meerab whispered and saw Murtasim straighten his back. 'Where?' Meerab heard the deep and dominant voice and a little fear rose in her. 

'He was about to -' Meerab took a deep breath as she started to feel uncomfortable at the memory. Murtasim patiently waited for her response. 'My Chest. He tried to take off my dupatta' Meerab could not meet Murtasim's eyes, not because she was embarrassed but she was disgusted at the memory and couldn't see Murtasim's outrage. Meerab felt the need to carry on. 'He was telling me how I was beautiful and wanted to have me just-' Meerab gulped. 'just like you did' Her voice lowered in embarrassment and fear of the reaction she would receive. 

After a moments of silence where Meerab could feel Murtasim burning holes in her he spoke. 'He did what?' Murtasim got up with speed and opened the bedroom door with a bang, rushing towards the exit. 'Murtasim' Meerab ran after him as she raised her voice. It was early in the morning so it would wake up the others. 

'Murtasim' Meerab called again and pulled him back by him arm. 'You can't go' Meerab said out of breath. She had ran a lot and her smaller steps made it harder. Murtasim's eyes were still dark and Meerab was going to find it difficult to calm him down. 

'Get out of my way Meerab' Murtasim said as he gestured with his arm. Meerab stood in front of him and had no intention of letting him go. 

Meerab stood in front of him in silence, thinking of a way to calm him down. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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