Ishq Ki Khoobsurati

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Meerab was still annoyed when they arrived to the haveli. She didn't speak to him nor did he speak to her for the whole ride. 

 As she was walking by the pool, Bakhtu - Murtasim's right hand man - stopped Meerab to inform her that the makeup and hair artists had arrived. Meerab thanked him and headed towards her room. She could feel Murtasim trailing behind her in slow steps. Meerab could tell he was intentionally trailing behind and did not even try to move in front or walk past. They walked in the same direction until they reached the stairs where Murtasim went straight ahead to the living room and Meerab went to their room. 

In the room was Mariam and Haya who sat on the bed already ready for the event. 'Meerab you took your time' Mariam said as she rose her head from her phone and smiled. 

'Ha, Murtasim wanted to eat something so we stopped at the cafe' Meerab huffed as she removed her dupatta and bag off her shoulder to the love couch.

'Dont lie Meerab, just say that you were hungry again. Murtasim doesn't even eat or drink anything until lunch' Haya spoke as there was annoyance clearly evident in her voice. 

Meerab ignored Haya. Why should I defend myself in front of someone who has no self respect? 

Meerab sat down on the stool in front of the dressing table and gestured the lady to start getting her ready. 

As she was getting ready, Mariam and Meerab spoke about university and all the things they had in common. Mid conversation, Haya left the room with a huff as she realised that the conversation was not of any interest. 

Once she was ready Mariam was complimenting her non-stop. 'Bhabhi you look stunning. You look so beautiful without makeup and now with makeup you look breathtaking. I don't think bhai would be able to resist' Mariam teased. 

Meerab's face went red and she looked at Mariam through the mirror. 'Do you not have any shame? You're talking about your brother like that?' Meerab didn't like the thought of Murtasim being interested in her. She wouldn't have minded this conversation if it was about the man she liked. 

'What shame Meerab Bhabhi? Bhai doesn't have any shame, he literally undresses you with his eyes in front of everyone.' Mariam remembered all the times she had caught him just watching her eat, sit or even when Mariam and Meerab are talking. 

'Bas kardo mariam, aesi koi baat nahi hai' (stop it, its not like that). Meerab moved to the love couch for a more comfortable seat.

'Aap toh rehne deh, woh mere bhai hai' (you leave it, he's my brother) Mariam laughed as she realised that Meerab was not taking her seriously. 

Meerab was about to reply when Murtasim walked in a black suit and a tie which matched Meerab's suit. His gaze fell on Meerab as he scanned her outfit from top to bottom, just like he usually did and Meerab reacted the same way. Her chest fell heavy and her skin felt hot. She hated his dark eyes scanning her as Meerab felt like all her imperfections were seen by him. 

Mariam realised the tension in the room and left the room with a huge smile on her face. They're definitely made for each other. 

Murtasim watched how Meerab distracted herself by fixing her scarf and the pleats in her dress. Meerab composed herself and put on a scowl on her face, making sure he realised that she was still upset with him. 

Gosh she looked even more beautiful when angry. How am I going to survive when she looks at me like that? Meerab's angry face made Murtasim want to push her against the wall and have his way with her. Hear her breathing and feel her hot breath in his ear as he claims what's his. 

But it wont be that easy. Not with her. It is never easy with her but he was going to prove himself to her. 

Murtasim's lips were slightly parted as his eyes stayed on her face which glowed with the makeup she had worn. Meerab scanned his suit which literally fit him like a glove. His hair gelled in place. His shoulders broad. 

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