Cher Char Ki Inteha

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Meerab woke up refreshed, which was the first time in a long time. The silk cover was tightly wrapped around Meerab which explained the soft sleep she had. Meerab became irritated by the amount of fabric clinging to her so she took it off of her. Meerab scanned the room to find Murtasim not there but she could hear the shower run. 

My throat is dry.

Meerab turned her head towards the side table and once again found no glass of water. Ugh. She really needed to remind the maids to put a glass of water for her before she had slept. 

Meerab went onto her phone, waiting for Murtasim to get out. Meerab found endless texts from Rohail and Saba. Saba urged her to answer her calls but then she realised that her phone was on silent the whole time. Rohail was apparently worried for her too. She hadn't told them about her marriage because she thought she could get a way out of it but clearly her plan didn't work. Meerab debated on replying to them but Murtasim walked into the bedroom. 

'Took your time' Meerab mumbled and got out of the bed and put on her slippers to go get ready.

'You should have woken up earlier if you can't wait' Murtasim mumbled in a low aggressive tone taunting her.

Meerab frowned at his new behaviour. Technically it wasn't new because she had experienced this exact behaviour before the marriage when neither of them got along with each other. 

'Where were you last night?' Meerab questioned as she walked to the closet to pick out an outfit for the day. Last night Meerab woke up from the back pains, only to find Murtasim not on the bed so she assumed that he went to do something. 

Murtasim didn't follow her like she thought he would so she went back into the room to find him standing in front of the mirror, fixing his collar. 

Meerab leaned against the pole of the bed and waited for an answer. 

'Why shall I tell you?' Murtasim questioned. He hadn't looked at her at all and Meerab was getting a weird vibe. The last few days his teasing couldn't stop.

I think he ran out of battery.

'What do you mean why? Yesterday you couldn't shut up and put to the side the fact that I'm your wife and now you don't want to share with me why you were not in the room?' Meerab crossed her arms over her chest.

Murtasim still didn't look at her and now laid onto the bed. 'Meerab go get ready, you're going to get us late and I have to go to work aswell' Murtasim huffed as he was typing something on his phone. 

'What's wrong?' Meerab asked. Meerab was curious but also confused. 

Murtasim put his phone onto his stomach, crossed his arms and laid them on his stomach, looking up at Meerab. 'We're late to breakfast. I'm late for the village. That's what's wrong' Murtasim was emotionless in the way he spoke. Ignore him Meerab. Ignore. Meerab hated when he spoke like this. It triggered something inside her. Meerab turned around and let out an annoyed huff and walked to the bathroom to shower quickly. 

Meerab comes out the shower in the red suit and walks towards the dresser. Murtasim was in the same exact position she left him in. Meerab went to her bedside table and picked up the chain that Murtasim had gotten her and walked back to the dresser. 

Meerab struggled to untie the chain, she saw Murtasim glance at her through the mirror when she huffed a few times and then he had gotten up and walked towards her. 

'What are you entangled in?' Murtasim questioned as he put his phone into his pocket.

Meerab was annoyed at him for being in an off mood so she shared the energy. 'Usually it's my life which is entangled but right now the chain is not entangling' Meerab was referring to the marriage to Murtasim. 

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